Friday, October 23, 2009

John McCain Update

With so many things happening in Washington DC, we wanted to be sure you didn't miss the items below.

Senator McCain has announced his intentions to put a hold on union lawyer Craig Becker to become a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Senator McCain led a fight in the Labor Committee to oppose Becker and demand a hearing on his nomination.


The Democratic majority defeated Senator McCain’s efforts. McCain believes the Obama appointee would misuse his position on the board to by-pass Congress and push pro-union, anti-business labor law.

Additionally, today, Senator McCain joined fellow Republicans in attempting to keep debate open on The National Defense Authorization Bill, because passage of the bill would create a new federal crime for willfully causing bodily injury to any person due to the actual or perceived race, national origin, religion, “gender identity,” sexual orientation or disability of any person. Senator McCain objected to the inclusion of this language for two reasons:

(1) he does not believe an expansion of the federal criminal code is necessary to cover a certain class of citizens from “perceived” injustices and

(2) he objected to including it in the National Defense Authorization Bill, because it is not germane or related to the underlying bill.

Senator McCain believes that crimes motivated by “hate” deserve vigorous prosecution, and he strongly supports punishing those who commit such heinous acts under existing laws, but does not believe an expansion of federal law is necessary to punish these criminals. We will continue to keep you updated as these important issues are debated.

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