Saturday, October 10, 2009


Senator John McCain continues to lead the fight in the United States Senate against attempts by liberal Democrats to turn the nation’s health care over to the federal government.

At health care town halls around Arizona, Senator McCain has consistently maintained that the problem with health care in America is the cost – not the quality.

“We have the highest quality health care of any nation in the world,” McCain says,” people come here from all over the world to be treated.”

Obamacare not only would drastically increase health care costs, it would inevitably cause the cost of coverage for millions of Americans to increase.

The President and Democrat leaders would then force Americans to buy health insurance that their proposals make more expensive.

And while President Obama denies that his proposed fines for those who refuse to buy insurance are not “taxes,” it has not escaped notice that legislation pending before the U.S. Senate describes the fines as “excise tax” and would have the I.R.S. enforce the fines.

While it is necessary to help those without health insurance to obtain coverage, the number of people in need have been seriously overstated by the Democrats.

Instead of the 47 million uninsured claimed by the liberals, when you deduct illegal immigrants and those who can afford to buy insurance but choose not to, the focus or our reforms is reduced to 10-15 million uninsured. While this is a large population, we can address the needs of these Americans, without complete control and regulation from Washington.

John McCain’s proposals for fixing the health care problem are:

1. Allow health insurance companies to sell, and consumers to buy, health insurance across state lines, as auto insurance companies are allowed to do. This would inject more price competition into the health insurance market.

2. Make health insurance portable. Allow people to take their coverage with them when they change jobs or lose their jobs. Health insurance should not be tied to a single workplace.

3. Allow individuals, professionals and small businesses to join health insurance pools, to get group coverage, as government agencies and large businesses do. Allow trade associations, and professional organizations, such as chambers of commerce, to offer group health coverage for their members.

4. Enact tort reform. By limiting excessive punitive damages we can reduce the costs associated with unnecessary defensive medicine practiced by physicians by up to $100 billion annually. Tort reform has been enacted in California and Texas and has dramatically lowered health care costs in both states.

5. Create subsidized high risk pools where those with serious preexisting health problems can obtain coverage.

John McCain 2010
Mailing address: 1702 E. Higland Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85016
Paid for by Friends of John McCain

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