Monday, October 05, 2009

In Case You Missed It... Obama Bashed America Again During Plea to IOC in Denmark

Obama can't help himself. Every time he crosses the border he has to bash this great nation. Last week, he bashed America again during his plea with the IOC.
Chicago lost their bid anyway!



American Angle said...

It should be clear by now..that Obama's anti-American sentiment is strong...maybe even stronger than his wife's or his pastor Jeremiah...for it just overflows from him, uncontainable.

Obama cannot contain his disgust for us..when ever he travels abroad and feels comfortable..believing he is in a like-minded anti-American crowd..he begins to bash us.

It is not a coincidence that he surrounds himself and appoints radicals and anti-Americans...for those affiliations are a reflection of who he is.

Thanks for spreading the word..and keeping up the good fight! I'll see you in the trenches brother.

It cannot be considered a coincidence that he surrounds himself with

Tony GOPrano said...

Thanks for sending me the video my friend. Folks you should check out the