Monday, October 12, 2009

Impeachment Campaign Gains Momentum

Impeachment suggested to remove 'threats' to America
By Bob Unruh, WorldNetDaily

A political activist who was behind the famous Willie Horton advertisement that left Gov. Michael Dukakis' candidacy for president floundering and was among the first to sound the alarm on the need for Bill Clinton's impeachment says the United States is collapsing around its citizens right now, but there is a defense.

"Make no mistake. We're now in the middle of a bloodless coup " the takeover of an entire nation by the hate-America crowd"- a cold-blooded gang that despises America's prosperity, our standing in the world, our trust in God and our generosity and goodness," says political activist Floyd Brown in a post on the new Impeach Obama Campaign website.

His suggested defense is nothing more or less than a strike at the emperor, plans which are detailed on the website.

"Like so many on the far-left before him, going all the way back to Karl Marx, he [Obama] believes that it's his mission to promote 'equality of outcome' over 'equality of opportunity' even if Americans must learn to live in chains to make it happen,"

Brown said. "That worldview makes Barack Hussein Obama a very dangerous man and one of the greatest threats to your personal liberty today."

Brown said that view also explains why Obama "has already gobbled-up major banks and why the government now controls more and more of our money- yours and mine. And if you wake up one day to discover you're broke, don't be surprised.

Barack Hussein Obama is Bernie Madoff with the political power of the presidency at his disposal."

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