To Republican and conservative activists:
We are pleased to announce that, on July 31, the Republican National Committee adopted all three resolutions announced by the Republican National Conservative Caucus a little over a month ago.
The first, entitled "Obamacare: Marching Further Towards Socialism," builds upon the Socialism Resolution adopted at the May 2009 meeting and recognizes Obamacare as moving the United States one step closer to socialism. The resolution also sets forth Republican solutions to the current health care crisis: meaningful tort reform, elimination of government mandates for non-essential care, and tax incentives for responsible health care decision making. The resolution was sponsored by RNCC founding member Solomon Yue (National Committeeman - Oregon).
The second, entitled "Resolution on Cap-and-Trade," asks the Senate to reject the Cap-and-Trade bill recently passed by the House of Representatives and asks Congress as a whole to stop using global warming as a pretext to increase federal revenues. The resolution also sets for a Republican alternative to help reduce carbon emissions -- particularly nuclear, clean-coal, and renewable energy. The resolution was sponsored by RNCC founding member Helen van Etten (National Committeewoman - Kansas).
The final resolution, entitled "Resolution to Reform the Obama Administration's Policy of Appointing Czars," recognizes the administration's unlawful concentration of power in the executive branch and calls for the Democratic leaders of Congress to hold the President accountable for his actions. The resolution was sponsored by RNCC founding member Bruce Ash (National Committeeman - Arizona).
We see these resolutions as an important part of rebuilding the Republican party in advance of the 2010 mid-term elections. Each helps clearly identify the Republican party's platform on critical issues facing our nation and each offers a real Republican solution. If we learned one thing in2008, it was that we must clearly articulate our message. Early evidence suggests that these resolutions are having their desired effect as the GOP continues to gain ground on the President.
The RNCC is proud to have played a role in the adoption of these resolutions and will continue to support the RNC and similar resolutions. Together, we hope that resolutions such as these will strengthen the conservative principles upon which the Republican party was built so that the RNC may be an effective force in stemming the tide toward socialism.
For more information, including copies of the resolutions adopted by the RNC, please visit our website at http://www.repconcaucus.com If you are not currently a member of the Republican National Conservative Caucus and you would like to join, we encourage you to visit our registration page at http://www.repconcaucus.com/user/register
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