The president and Congress have told Americans that health care needs to be totally overhauled. Democrats believe access to health care is an entitlement . Liberals believe that all Americans should be able to receive their health care for free.

We are told that if Obama Care is passed the cost of health care will be reduced and that the quality of the health care Americans receive will be improved. We all know that Medicare and Social Security are going bankrupt.
Nearly 53% of all Americans receiving either Medicaid, Medicare, VA or SCHIP know the fraud, waste and lack of service are rampant in each of these government run health plans.
By definition ANY government run program is going to be run poorly and defined by politics.
Let's take a look at the Republican plan for REAL health care reform that avoids a trillion dollar price tag :
1. PROVIDE CHOICE FOR ALL INSUREDS. Why is it the democrat party talks about the privacy between a patient and doctor but pushes a health plan that would eliminate choice?
2. INCREASE COMPETITION. Rather than eliminate competition through a public option why not allow health insurance consumers to have the ability to buy their coverage across state lines in the same fashion they buy car insurance?
3. ELIMINATE THE PRACTICE OF DEFENSIVE MEDICINE. Under the current legal system doctors increase the cost of health care by running countless tests to avoid lawsuits.
4. INCREASE PORTABILITY. Since so many receive health benefits through their employer allow employees to take their coverage with them when they change jobs.
5. CONCENTRATE ON WELLNESS. Rather than paying for the high costs of bad lifestyle decisions why not focus on wellness. Why not reward doctors and all health care providers for helping their patients be healthier?
6. CREATE A SELF INSURED POOL TO PROTECT THOSE WITH PRE EXISTING CONDITIONS. So many who lack health care because of pre existing conditions. A self insurance pool would solve this problem.
7. DEVELOP NEW TECHNOLOGIES. American medicine technology leads the world. A free market system will allow America to continue leadership around the world and be an economic generator. Better technology protects patients against privacy issues and decreases fraud and waste.
Bruce Ash
AZ GOP National Committeeman
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