Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Obama Presidency Commentary By Bruce Ash

The latest commentary by Arizona Republican National Committeeman BRUCE ASH on the Presidency of Barack Obama!

Click Here to See: "The Obama Presidency - Commentary By Bruce Ash

"When did the wheels first start coming off the Obama presidency?

Was it the world wide apology tour? Janet Napolitano’s warning about right wing extremists? Or was it when the Obama team referred to their detractors as tea baggers and grass roots activists as astro turfers.

I say it was when a close liberal friend of mine watched the President on television and wondered the same thing to her husband. Is this the same eloquent and charismatic man we voted for last November? He promised hope and change but delivered fear and dismay.

Mr. Obama should stop worrying about angry crowds at town
halls and focus on Americans like my friend. Health care has revealed not only how tone deaf the new President is to the American psyche but how far left and cruel he really is. The current debate demonstrates how Americans don’t take to bullying, moralizing or being forced to go somewhere against their
will and being told, “It’s good for them”.

Yes, the bloom is off the rose Mr. President and it’s your own silent majority who is beginning to lose hope in you."



American Angle said...

Yes, Mr. Ash Obama is the very same man your liberal friend voted for. There should be no surprises here.

Barack Obama promised fear and dismay in every message he delivered..but merely wrapped it in the flowery garnish of "hope & change."

The American people, such as your liberal friends, did not and would not listen.

Mr. Obama will not worry about your friend unless she stands in the way of his radical agenda, the same agenda he wore on his sleeve during the campaign..the same agenda that was born under the tutelage of men such as Frank the Communist and then later Jeremiah Wright.

The rescue of our mation will be secured by the Americans that are flocking to the town hall meetings to reject the radical agenda of the Obamas & Pelosis of the world.

Heroes such as John McCain that the American people rejected will always put country first and continue to save our sorry butts from the friends...of our 44th president.

Tony GOPrano said...

American Angle that was one of the most eloguent replies I have ver seen!

You hit the nail with the hammer; Obama doesn't care about anyone who doesn't fully agree with him (sounds like some far right folks I know).

The citizens of the great country are standing up to the Socialist Take-Over by the Obamaites and in the nick of time.

Your statement about Sen. McCain was excellent; I will let him know what you said. Great Job AA!