Senator Ted Kennedy has lost his battle to live. As a Christian I hope God has mercy on him. He suffered from a ghastly cancerous brain tumor that has apparently taken his life.
Obviously Kennedy will be canonized by acclamation in the media today and for days to come. The British Crown has already given him an honorary knighthood making him "Sir Edward" but genuine Americans know better.
These things said, I offer the following brief but honest obituary items which have no chance of appearing anywhere in the Democrat controlled media.
It's hard to think of anyone who singlehandedly did more damage to America than Ted Kennedy. Starting with his disgusting criminal conduct at Chappaquiddick when he abandoned Mary Jo Kopechne to die, Kennedy was always a destructive force in America's public life.
Because Kennedy was never prosecuted, as he should have been, his crime did enormous damage to America's sense of justice and belief that "no one is above the law."
On signing the 1965 Civil Rights Law, Lyndon Johnson lamented, "We [Democrats] have lost the South for a generation."
This moved Kennedy to commit perhaps his most egregious acts when he sponsored two Immigration reform bills that slammed the door on Europeans who had traditionally brought industriousness and honor to America. Instead they cleared the way for millions and millions of legal and illegal aliens from elsewhere who often bring no skills but palpable contempt for America. Kennedy is responsible for the damage they have done.
One of Kennedy's most memorable quotes came in a rare truthful moment during a discussion about socialism he said, "[Socialism] hasn't worked in 6,000 years of recorded history because it didn't have me to run it."
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