Issue 18; July 7, 2009
Welcome to The Weekly Trunk -- The Republican National Committee's new weekly email update on all the latest news and political happenings. The goal of The Weekly Trunk is to inform and arm you with the facts you need to spread our conservative message and refute the misstatements of the Democrats.
This week's issue features...
Happy Independence Day
Watch Chairman Steele's latest video celebrating the 4th of July and the men and women who protect America.
Where are These Jobs?
House Minority Leader John Boehner released a new video about the search for the jobs that were supposed to be created by President Obama's stimulus bill.
Like a Stone
A recent Quinnipiac University poll shows President Obama's approval ratings are dropping fast in Ohio, a key presidential state. (Ben Smith, "A Drop In Ohio," Politico, 7/7/09)
The Honeymoon is Over
With President Obama and Congressional Democrats ramming a national energy tax and government-run health care through Congress, it is no surprise that Americans are finding Democrats too liberal. (Jeremy P. Jacobs, "Gallup: More Americans View Democrats As 'Too Liberal,'" The Hill, 6/30/09)
Thanks for Nothing
President Obama promised that the stimulus would create jobs and get our economy back on track. It hasn't. (Op-Ed, "Where'd The Money Go? Nowhere," Augusta Chronicle, 7/6/09)
Who Gets The Bill?
America's middle class is increasingly worried they will be the ones who pay for President Obama's grand health care experiment. (Heidi Przybyla, "Obama's Health Plan Sparks Unease Among Nation's Middle Class," Bloomberg News, 7/6/09)
Batten Down the Hatches
President Obama's reckless and irresponsible spending and borrowing has America facing a "budget hurricane." (Op-Ed, "A Budget Hurricane," The Chicago Tribune, 7/6/09)
Blue State Rewards
States that need stimulus money the least are getting the most. So are states that voted for President Obama. Coincidence? (Op-Ed, "A Stimulus For The Rich," The Washington Times, 7/6/09)
We Won't Be Fooled Again
President Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. Who actually believed that? (Peter Ferrara, "Don't Be Fooled -- Obama Wants To Raise EVERYONE'S Taxes," Fox News.com, 6/26/09)
Peace through Strength
Senator John Kyl and Richard Perle, former assistant secretary of defense under President Reagan, discuss the dangers of weakening America's nuclear deterrent. (Jon Kyl and Richard Perle, "Our Decaying Nuclear Deterrent," The Wall Street Journal, 6/29/09)
What Campaign Promise?
In order to pay for government-run health care, President Obama is refusing to rule out taxing your health care benefits. (Donald Lambro, "Tax Your Employee Benefits?," The Washington Times, 6/29/09)
Check Out:
Be sure to check out U.S. Senator John McCain's new Weekly Republican Response video message.
1 comment:
Wonderful information about obama ,.,.,.,.,.,.
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