Issue 13; June 2, 2009
Welcome to The Weekly Trunk -- The Republican National Committee's new weekly email update on all the latest news and political happenings. The goal of The Weekly Trunk is to inform and arm you with the facts you need to spread our conservative message and refute the misstatements of the Democrats.
This week's issue features...
Check Out:
Take a look at the newest RNC TV ad highlighting the "Grand Experiment" President Obama is conducting on America and the threat it poses to everyone.
Check out the RNC's new website designed to educate America about President Obama's and Congressional Democrats' government-run health care plan.
President Obama and Congressional Democrats are determined to force their government-run health care through Congress no matter what the consequences are for the American public. (Op-Ed, "A Reckless Congress," The Wall Street Journal, 7/20/09)
The House Democrats look to tax and fine small business to fund their government-run health care bill. (Janet Adamy and Laura Meckler, "Small Business Faces Big Bite," The Wall Street Journal, 7/15/09)
Gov. Bobby Jindal explains the problems with trying to spend your way out of a recession and the dangers that all Americans face with government-run health care. (Gov. Bobby Jindal, "'A Trillion Here, A Trillion There,'" Politico, 7/20/09)
Fred Barnes explains how and why the Obama administration finds itself in politically perilous waters trying to force their liberal agenda through Congress. (Fred Barnes, "The Obama Agenda Bogs Down," The Wall Street Journal, 7/21/09)
President Obama and Congressional Democrats' stimulus bill hasn't created the jobs they promised it would and many people are wondering where did the "stimulus" go? (Robert J. Samuelson, "The Squandered Stimulus," The Washington Post, 7/20/09)
The president's stimulus plan is not helping the states and cities that need it most. (Op-Ed, "Obama's Stimulus Plan Is Not Working," The Detroit News, 7/14/09)
President Obama promised to cut $100 million in 90 days. What happened? (Jonathan Weisman, "Remember Obama's Promise To Cut $100 Million In 90 Days?" The Wall Street Journal.com, 7/20/09)
Candidate Obama was supposed to bring an end to the partisan era in Washington, D.C. He hasn't. (William McGurn, "Let's Face It: Obama Is No Post-Partisan," The Wall Street Journal, 7/21/09)
A new poll shows that the American public is losing confidence in President Obama's leadership. (Susan Page, "Poll: Less Faith In Obama's Economic Abilities," USA Today, 7/21/09)
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