Welcome to the America of President Barack Obama. On the ground, it's a little bit different from the place you see on television or read about in giddy newspaper dispatches detailing how we are all supposedly enthused and excited by this historic administration. Tomorrow it will be six months and a trillion dollars or so in increased spending since he entered the Oval Office. What a short, strange trip it's been with a leader who's so far evinced much more audacity than hope. How else to classify a man who talks a way better game than he actually plays?
In February, Obama boldly told us the stimulus bill that will doom future generations of Americans to massive debt repayments would, in a deliberately vague turn of phrase, "create or save" four million jobs. With the catchphrase "Anybody seen a stimulus job" having become a standing joke in delis and diners across the country since then, the president now claims to have "saved or created" around 150,000 jobs. Just another 3.85 million to go then.
At the time when he was bullying the Houses of Congress, he also claimed this legislation was desperately needed to prevent unemployment from going past the dreaded 8% mark. Now that it's closing in fast on 10%, he has the brass neck to try to tell us the stimulus is really working because he has "already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession". Some logic at work there.
Of course, many took the spin at face value. As they have everything that's come out of Obama's perfectly-formed mouth in the 18 months or so since he became the presumptive Democratic candidate. The cult of personality runs so deep by now that he has truly become the Teflon President. Nothing sticks to this guy.
Nobody cares that he can't speak in public without the use of a teleprompter that he carries around the world with him like a baby's blanky, and routinely mispronounces the names and titles of foreign leaders. Witness his mangling of Russian president Medvedev's surname and his mixing up of Vladimir Putin's past and present positions last week – his funniest flubs since talking about a mysterious and previously unknown language called Austrian or maybe the time he erroneously credited America with the invention of the automobile. The same type of malapropisms for which George W Bush was ceaselessly mocked now go largely unremarked. Strange that.
But different standards apply with this president. During a genuine national crisis earlier this year, Obama still found time to fly to Los Angeles to go on a television chat show and to make fun of the Special Olympics. What harm? He looked so natural joshing on Jay Leno's couch. So smooth and comfortable on camera. What a leader…
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Come off the stage. Your article is a) unjustified and b) unreasonable.
The man is in power 6 months, the economy will take a long time to correct itself from the inept,incompetant and imbesile Bush failures.
Dave you write this article and the same article appears in the paper for lots of Irish people to read, yet you know no American would let you off with those opinions if they knew it existed.
It is a pure un-qualified piece of opinion without an opposing american view to question some of your view points, and the end of the day - that's all they are, Opinions.
Stick the sport writing Dave and stop pretending you know everything there is to know about U.S. policitics and Fiscal policy.
Your extreme Republican opinions leave a very bitter taste in my mouth. I suppose you thought Bush and his cronies were doing an excellent job with the baboon like competancies they possessed.
My Fiancee who is American could not believe you are getting away with writing some god awful trash. Dave you are from Cork, leave the polictics to somebody who knows what they are talking about and let the imminent recovery to take place as it in-evitably will.
Your un-qualified and immaterial opinions are irrelavant and people dont need to believe that this is the truth, you are not American - you have no right to pretend you know everything there is to know about Obama and his plans for recovery.
America is heading for a recovery quarter 4 of 09 with projected job growth in some sectors. Why dont you write about this FACT rather than your own mis-guided opinions and let people work towards the recovery and not take your articles as gospel and believe in your rubbish.
I for one am glad to be leaving this depressing, corrupt and greedy island to live and work in the states and I've got to be honest with you - if Bush was still there - I'd rather not. He was a complete degenerate but you seem to have a soft spot for him so I will allow you have your opinion on that.
Obama is the way forward and I believe (given the time and patience that reporters like you wont allow him) U.S. Trans global relations will be at an all time high and the U.S. economy will soon return to the power house it once once prior to that 'clown' ruining it over the past 8 years.
One final thought I will leave you with, it took 8 years to completely destroy everything about America, and I mean everything - the economy, global relations, job prospects, health Insurance etc etc.
You are moaning because Obama hasent fixed everything in 6 months - man get a grip and reality check my friend. You are talking out your rear end well you know it. It will take a lot longer than 6 months I can assure you of that.
Good day.
Paul from Cork - soon to be emmigrating to North Carolina.
Welcome to America Paul! (I am sure you are a LEGAL immigrant). I have to disagree with you; Dave has it right. The Obamanation is attempting to hijack the Health Care Industry like he did the auto industry. Where was Obama's Health Care Plan in the campaign? The answer is NO WHERE! Those of us who weren't fooled by Obama knew exactly what he was going to do once elected. Obama is a SOCIALIST who want to turn America into the old USSR! God Help Us All!
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