NOTE: The Republicans have come up with an alternative to 'OBAMACARE'.
Here is an outline of their plan:
From the Offices of:
Congressman John Shadegg (AZ-03)
Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01)
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN-07)
Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26)
Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02)Congressman Phil Gingrey, M.D. (GA-11)
Congressman Pete Hoekstra (MI-02)
Republicans Introduce: The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act
Legislation Controls Costs and Gives Americans Real Choice on Quality Health Care
Congressman John Shadegg (AZ-03):
Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01)
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN-07)
Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26)
Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02)Congressman Phil Gingrey, M.D. (GA-11)
Congressman Pete Hoekstra (MI-02)
Republicans Introduce: The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act
Legislation Controls Costs and Gives Americans Real Choice on Quality Health Care
Congressman John Shadegg (AZ-03):
“Until now, health care reform proposals have centered on
giving more control to government at the expense of patients and their physicians. Government doesn’t belong in the doctor’s office should not decide what kind of health care you can get. If you’re happy with what you have, my bill ensures you can keep it – and if you aren’t there are options available to you.”
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman John Shadegg (AZ-03) joined with several Republican Members of Congress including: Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01), Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN-07), Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), Congressman Phil Gingrey, M.D. (GA-11) and Congressman Pete Hoekstra (MI-02) to introduce The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act which will reform America’s health care system making health care services more personal, more affordable and ensure that all Americans receive the care they need.
The bill includes:
IF YOU LIKE IT YOU CAN KEEP IT. Approximately 83% of Americans are satisfied with the health care they currently receive through their employer. Under this plan, Americans with employer-provided care can keep it without any change. Unlike other proposals, this bill will NOT tax your employer-sponsored plan to pay for a government takeover of health care. And, unlike the Democrats plan, it will not force you to give up the health care coverage you currently have if you choose to keep it!
ALL AMERICANS GET CHOICE AND COVERAGE. The bill allows Americans who don’t have employer-sponsored care or those not satisfied with their employer-sponsored plan to buy their own plan on the same tax-advantaged basis their employer enjoys. Americans who pay income taxes get a dollar for dollar reduction in their tax bill up to $2500 for individuals and $5000 per family. Americans who don’t pay income taxes get the same amount from the government to buy a policy of their choice; $2500 for individuals and $5000 per family.
PROVIDES POOLING MECHANISMS AND GROUP PLAN CHOICES FOR EVERYONE. This legislation creates expanded options for the purchase of low-cost health care from new pooling mechanisms. Today, the only health insurance pool available to Americans is their employer’s pool. Americans not in an employer-sponsored pool buy in what is called the
“individual market.” The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act dramatically expands the insurance pools Americans can select to join by allowing churches, alumni associations, trade associations and other civic groups to set up new insurance pools and offer affordable health care packages to their members. Instead of having only one group policy to choose from, under this bill, every American will be able to choose from a number of “group plans.” This will make health care more affordable and portable while not locking individuals into staying at a job simply to keep their health coverage. Families should not be forced to choose between leaving their employer and having health care.
PRE-EXISTING AND CHRONIC CONDITIONS COVERED AT AFFORDABLE RATES. Our fragmented health care system makes it difficult for Americans with pre-existing conditions and chronic illnesses to find affordable coverage. No American should go bankrupt because they get sick. The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act strengthens, expands and creates new avenues for affordable health care for the sickest Americans through high-risk pools and reinsurance mechanisms. The sick and those with chronic conditions will be able to buy coverage at competitive rates.
CONTROLS COST AND PROVIDES COVERAGE FROM THE BOTTOM UP, NOT THE TOP (GOVT.) DOWN.The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act takes a radically different approach in contrast to what has been discussed by President Obama as well as Democrats in both chambers. It gives people choice and places American families back in control of their plans and their health care. This legislation will reduce the cost and improve the quality of health care while expanding access and portability.
Here is a video that shows just what OBAMACARE will do to America:
1 comment:
Beautiful , thanks for presenting OBAMA.,.,,.,.,.,.,
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