It's truly amazing. How can some speak so often and for so long, yet say so little. That is the mystery of Barack Obama. He seems to hold a press conference every single week with teleprompter intros, scripted list of journalists to call on, and rambling responses that don't answer the questions. You call this leadership?
During Wednesday night's press conference, Obama tried to address the health care issue and his push to put even more health care control into the hands of Washington bureaucrats. As usual, Obama talked about the mess he "inherited." Enough of that! People are becoming more concerned about the mess he's already created and the further damage he wants to do to our health care system.
Obama's press conference was more of the same. Here is his opening statement:
This man can never talk about a solution without first telling everyone that the problem is someone else's fault. Unemployment keeps going up. The economy is still terrible. Yet, he's
talking about how his plans are working. Amazing.
It's interesting to note that in previous speeches, Obama would always cite the number of jobs that he's either "saved or created." In his opening statement on Wednesday night, Obama mentioned that his nearly trillion dollar "stimulus" plan has "already saved jobs and created new ones." No number this time? Did you save one job? Did you create two jobs?
The president went on to talk about his health care plan, but what he says just doesn't add up to the reality of his actions. As the Associated Press reports, the facts just don't add up.
In the press conference, Obama said of his plan, "It will keep government out of health care decisions, giving you the option to keep your insurance if you're happy with it."
As the AP notes, "In House legislation, a commission appointed by the government would determine what is and isn't covered by insurance plans offered in a new purchasing pool, including a plan sponsored by the government. The bill also holds out the possibility that, over time, those standards could be imposed on all private insurance plans, not just the ones in the pool."
Obama goes on to talk about all the things that insurance companies could and could not do because of new rules and regulations. It certainly doesn't sound like the government would not be involved.
Obama also took time in his press conference to blame Republicans for the problems that he is having getting health care legislation passed. Yet, when questioned about this later, Obama said, "You haven't seen me out there blaming the Republicans." Hello! Obama did EXACTLY that just minutes prior to telling the reporter that he's not blaming Republicans. The fact is that even some Democrats are leery of the massive government takeover that Obama is proposing.
In a classic example of speaking a lot, but saying very little, just look at the following exchange from Wednesday's press conference. One reporter noted that "experts say that in addition to the benefits that you're pushing, there is going to have to be some sacrifice in order for there to be true cost-cutting measures, such as Americans giving up tests, referrals, choice, end-of-life care." The reporter then asked Obama to describe what Americans will have to give up or sacrifice under his health care plan.
First Obama talked about how hospitals and doctors aren't "coordinating enough." And how this wastes money. He talked about how multiple tests raise your premiums and how those costs are coming out of our pockets. He added, "So, not only is it costing you money in terms of higher premiums, it's also costing you as a taxpayer."
Obama then went on about a blue pill and a red pill. No, this is not The Matrix, it's still his answer to the question about what Americans will have to sacrifice. Apparently the blue pill is half price, so it's better. Obama then talked about the "deficit and debt." He talked about how people are tired of all the spending that's already been done and that in a recession all they see is "government spending more and more money." (He's right about that!)
He then talked about how he stabilized the economy, and how he's making the budget deficit be ONLY $7.1 trillion over the next ten years. (That number is wrong, by the way.)
Obama then talked about how his administration killed the F-22 fighter jet program. Again, this is part of the same response to the reporters question about what it will cost the American people and what they will have to give up. Obama has still not answered the question.
He ended his "answer" by saying, "But health care reform
is not going to add to that deficit. It's designed to lower it. That's part of the reason why it's so important to do, and to do now."
Amazing. So much talk, and he didn't even answer the question. And that was just ONE question!
Here's an idea to save the taxpayers some money. The networks should charge the White House the same rate they do for Superbowl commercials whenever Obama wants to do a press conference. The funds collected should be sent to the taxpayers in the form of tax cuts. This would do one of two things:
1) it would provide a real, healthy stimulus, or
2) it would keep Obama off the air and stop him from saying nothing about something.
Either way, it's a good thing.
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