President Opts for Rhetoric and Deceit Rather Than Candor and Thoughtfulness
Shadegg: “Regrettably, the President gave a political stump speech, designed to ratchet-up the pressure on the issue, notable for its hyperbole, absolutely false claims and promises sure to be left unfulfilled.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman John Shadegg (AZ-03) issued the following statement in response to the President’s primetime speech addressing health care reform.
“I had hoped the President would acknowledge the importance of health care reform, agree to slow down and give this issue the consideration it deserves. I had also hoped he would move away from political rhetoric and address the substantive concerns of the American people. Sadly, he did not.
“Regrettably, the President gave a political stump speech, designed to ratchet-up the pressure on the issue, notable for its hyperbole, absolutely false claims and promises sure to be left unfulfilled.
“For example, the President's assertions that the reform he and Congressional Democrats propose, ‘will keep government out of health care decisions,’ and that you will have ‘the option [under their legislation] to keep your insurance if you are happy with it,’ are just plain false.
“Let me repeat that. Those claims are simply not true. The House Bill inserts the federal government and federal bureaucrats in virtually every health care decision in America. And, under the clear terms of the bill you will not be able to keep your current plan, whether you like it or not.
“Without candor, truthfulness and time, the Nation cannot have a productive discussion on these issues. The President’s political speech, regrettably, did not help.”
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