Issue 16; June 23, 2009
Welcome to The Weekly Trunk -- The Republican National Committee's new weekly email update on all the latest news and political happenings. The goal of The Weekly Trunk is to inform and arm you with the facts you need to spread our conservative message and refute the misstatements of the Democrats.
This week's issue features...
Check out this new RNC web video showing the possible consequences of the Democrats' so-called "cap and trade" legislation. Don't let the Democrats tax our lights out!
This RNC web video highlights how the Democrats plan on funding their government-run health care system with higher taxes on families.
As ABC prepares for an unprecedented effort to promote President Obama's government-run health care plan on Wednesday, RNC Chairman Michael Steele urges Republicans not to take it laying down. (Andy Barr, "Steele To GOP: 'Fight' ABC," Politico, 6/18/09)
In response to ABC's decision to promote the White House's government-run health care plan, the RNC is making plans to counter their argument with GOP representatives. (Mark Preston, "GOP Seeks To Counter ABC Programming," CNN Political Ticker Blog, 6/17/09)
In this video House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) explains how he and his fellow House Republicans are doing anything and everything to slow down the Democrats' massive spending spree.
Conservative commentator George Will examines the President's health care plan. (George Will, "Taking A Razor To The President's Plan," Townhall.com, 6/21/09)
The American public is getting a better understanding of what President Obama's policies will do and they don't like it. (Laura Meckler, "Public Wary Of Deficit, Economic Intervention," The Wall Street Journal, 6/18/09)
Even some in the president's own political party aren't buying what he's selling. (Jim Geraghty, "Optional Support For The Public Option," National Review, 6/19/09)
Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And as Newt Gingrich explains, it looks like the Democrats aren't students of history. (Newt Gingrich, "'Don't Tell Me It Can't Be Done,'" Human Events, 6/17/09)
FactCheck.org dissects President Obama's stimulus math and finds that the numbers don't add up. (Brooks Jackson, "Making Sense Of Stimulus Spending," FactCheck.org, 6/16/09)
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