Issue 17; June 30, 2009
Welcome to The Weekly Trunk -- The Republican National Committee's new weekly email update on all the latest news and political happenings. The goal of The Weekly Trunk is to inform and arm you with the facts you need to spread our conservative message and refute the misstatements of the Democrats.
This week's issue features...
The Media's Little Darling
Check out this new web video from the RNC highlighting the media's completely biased coverage of the Obama administration.
Lost in a Bureaucratic Maze
This chart provided by Rep. John Boehner gives a clear vision of the bureaucratic mess that so-called cap and trade legislation will create.
Can You Hear Me Now?
The Connecticut Republican Party created this new interactive website with highlights from Senator Dodd's career.
The Tax Man
Despite President Obama's campaign promises not to tax health care benefits, he continues to leave the option on the table. (Donald Lambro, "Tax your employee benefits?" The Washington Times, 6/29/09)
The Obama Show
The Obama administration has taken public relations to a new height, going as far as to plant reporters in the White House press corps. (Dana Milbank, "Stay Tuned for More of 'The Obama Show,'" The Washington Post, 6/24/09)
Pants on Fire
The claims by the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats that cap and trade will create jobs and not hurt the coal industry are simply not true. (Op-Ed, "'Cap And Trade' Claims Dishonest," The Wheeling News-Register (WV), 6/25/09)
Into the Fray
GOP Representatives stepped up and hit the airwaves last week in opposition to President Obama's government-run health care scheme. (Michael O'Brien, "GOP Lawmakers Take Up RNC Effort To Combat ABC Special," The Hill, 6/25/09)
Who Is John Galt?
Rep. Tom Price explains why the government making decisions on executive pay is not only a bad idea but a dangerous one as well. (Rep. Tom Price, "A Dangerous Solution," USA Today, 6/25/09)
A Good Story
Cap and trade is being sold by President Obama as a job creating bill that will save the environment, unfortunately this is simply not true. (Op-Ed, "The Cap and Tax Fiction," The Wall Street Journal, 6/26/09)
9 Out of 10 Citizens Can't Be Wrong
A new poll shows that 9 out of 10 U.S. citizens are concerned about President Obama's spending. (Andrew Malcolm, "9 Of 10 Americans Worry About Obama's Spending Deficits," The Los Angeles Times, 6/23/09)
Political Payback
There are plans in the works to exempt unions from having to pay taxes on health care benefits in order to fund government-run health care. In any other town, this would be illegal. (Ryan J. Donmoyer and Holly Rosenkrantz, "Unions' Health Benefits May Avoid Tax Under Senate Proposal," Bloomberg News, 6/26/09)
Take a Number...
Government-run health care will lead to decreased choices, increased prices, and federal bureaucrats rationing health care. (Op-Ed, Scott Gottlieb, "Government Health Plans Always Ration Care, The Wall Street Journal, 6/25/09)
Check Out:Be sure to check out House Republican Leader John Boehner's new video message.
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