Obamas Health Care Plan Will Hurt You
By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, Expose Obama
Imagine waiting for a year to have cancer surgery while the malignancy spreads--and then be told, "Sorry. You waited too long. Go home and die." It happens in Britain and Canada because they have socialized medicine.
Now imagine a federal bureaucrat possessing the power to choose your doctor, tell doctors what treatments they can prescribe and which tests they can run. They decide at what age you are no longer eligible to undergo dialysis or receive an organ transplant or a CAT scan, even treatments as simple as antibiotics. Are you ready for a law that forbids you from consulting a private physician for better treatment or to get a second opinion -- even if you're willing to pay for the service yourself?
These are all features of President Obama's health care plan which he recently announced, saying: "After decades of inaction, we have finally decided to fix what is broken about health care in America. We have decided that it's time to give every American quality health care at an affordable cost."
Obama is using the excuse that millions of Americans are uninsured to take over America's health care system -- and he will destroy it. The health care "crisis" is a myth. Medical costs are high, but this is a result of the best care in the world. There's no health-care crisis in America.
Improvements can be made, but according to Investor's Business Daily the crisis is exaggerated: "According to 'Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States,' a Census Bureau report published last August, of the 45.6 million persons in the U.S. that did not have health insurance at some point in 2007, 9.7 million, or about 21 percent, were not U.S. citizens. Also among the uninsured are 17 million Americans who live in households where the annual income exceeds $50,000; 7 million of those without coverage have incomes of $75,000 a year or more."
Hahaha...I love that picture, cough and die, funny. Gotta show it to a friend of mine, he's been collecting these funny pictures about Obamas plan for a while now :)
Take care, Lorne
WELL OBAMA's presentation .,.,.,.,
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