Below is a letter we received from LD-6 Chairman DAVE BRASWELL that he sent to all District 6 PC's concerning an e-mail sent out by ethically challenged MARK 'MINI-ME' ZEMEL criticizing the last LD-6 meeting and its' speakers. Zemel, who is running CHRIS SIMCOX's campaign for Senate (maybe Zemel knows where all that Minuteman $$$ went?).
Zemel has spent the past 3 years harassing not only Chairman Braswell, but officials of the Arizona Republican Party with his rants. This CLOWN is what is wrong with our party!
Dear LD 6 Precinct Committeemen:
A few days ago I received a copy of an email (see below) sent to the Executive Director of the Maricopa County Republican Party stating that I was, and I summarize,” “unethical, despicable and lying” by inviting Senate Candidate Chris Simcox to be our special guest speaker at the LD 6 June 22nd meeting and then without advance knowledge, have him participate in a debate.
These are very strong words coming from this individual and mature restraint on my part is in order. I am not accustomed to accusations challenging my integrity. The fact of the matter is that I did initially invite just Mr. Simcox as our sole guest speaker. Moreover, when talking with a Mr. Simcox representative prior to the June 1 format change to honor our Kerry Martin, I informed him at that time I was going to invite a representative from the McCain camp to also speak at the June 22 meeting that Mr. Simcox was originally asked to speak as the sole guest speaker. My intention was to be fair. The Simcox representative acknowledged this change and nothing more was discussed regarding this topic. No debate format was ever discussed nor did I ever consider having a debate format.

Since I and the First Vice Chair were not in attendance at the meeting last Monday, the Second Vice Chair(Bob Haran) facilitated the meeting. Unbeknown to me he also invited a third Senate Candidate and changed the format to a debate. I was remiss by not inviting the third candidate but I had not talked to his representatives in advance. Inviting a third guest is the Second Vice Chairs prerogative as an elected officer in charge of the meeting. I personally would not have changed the format but as I have said, that is his prerogative. It is also important to note that the candidates are in full control of their schedule. Once the change was effected at the meeting any one of them or their representatives could have simply refused to participate. To date I have not received any complaints from any of the candidates in attendance or their representatives.
Now that the facts are straight, I would like to state that comments like these coming from this LD 6 member toward me are intended to illicit a negative response from others. For some this type of communication succeeds in accomplishing a goal of political manipulation as a necessary part of how things should be accomplished. By having you read such comments without knowing all the facts we become “complicit enablers jumping on every perceived scandal and conflict stirring the pot of controversy to attract supporters for the cause of others.” I am certain this will continue from some after I distribute this response.
As former Bush Press Secretary, Scott McClellan writes in his book, “What Happened’. “When interparty warfare breaks out as is intended, the results are terribly destructive and do lasting damage to our political discourse. Vicious, negative attacks, distortions, spin, unsubstantiated innuendo, and misinformation become the norm. These types of sound bites receive the greatest emphasis and are too often grounded in such unpleasantness. Caveats are deemphasized. Contradictory information is downplayed, dismissed, or simply disregarded. Issues are too often oversimplified in the context of winners and losers, and portrayed in stark black-and-white terms. The side that most effectively manipulates the narrative often prevails, and is lifted up as being on the offensive—regardless of any nuances and the larger underlying truth. Deception nudges truth to the side.”
I believe most of those “engaging in the deceptive ways are good people who have fallen prey to the destructive nature of the political game”. “But as manipulation is embraced more widely and becomes more accepted, a new culture starts to develop as a result of the all-out interparty warfare which creates a culture of deception.” In this case, at the expense of my integrity as your Chairman.
I fully understand that people and groups will always differ about the proper intentions of their leadership, be they elected or appointed. “But should their response to these differences be a process of constant manipulation of opinion rather than one centered as much as possible on rational debate, deliberation, and compromise? Should it be based on deception, or grounded in a high level of openness, forthrightness, honesty, and a search for truth?” A call to me asking for the facts prior to making such accusations would have met a greater goal for the whole group as opposed to the needs of a single individual. “All too often, in today’s politics, the spirit of warfare rules.” I will not participate as your Chairman.
The agenda that was presented before and during the meeting is the only one that I personally approved after having discussed the issue with members of both the Simcox and McCain camps. I did not suggest nor did I approve a debate! Regardless, the comments directed about my integrity do nothing to help us accomplish our common goals as precinct committeemen. Should any of you have questions regarding this or other issues my door is always open. I will take time to address those concerns with you in the spirit of openness for the good of our Party.
I am very proud of all that each of you does positively on behalf of the Republican Party!
David Braswell, Chairman
LD 6
NOTE: Excerpts contained in this communiqué were extracted from writings provided by former Bush Press Secretary, Scott McClellan in his book entitled, “What Happened”
From: Mark Zemel - SimcoxForSenate.com [mailto:markzemel@SIMCOXFORSENATE.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 12:30 PMTo: Tom HusbandCc: ld6@maricopagop.org; Rob HaneySubject: More LD-6 Dirty Tricks--Surprise Debate

To: Maricopa County Republican Committee
Tom Husband, Executive Director
Re: LD-6 Surprise Debate
Dear Mr. Husband,
I wanted you to be aware of improper campaign activities at the 6/22 Legislative District 6 meeting.
Last May 18th LD-6 Chairman, David Braswell invited Chris Simcox as special guest speaker to the June 22nd LD-6 meeting. Chris accepted this invitation. There was never another word on the subject between LD-6 and the Simcox campaign. On Sunday June 21, as I am a PC in (coincidentally) LD-6, I received the attached LD-6 6/24 meeting agenda. The agenda had a surprise for anyone interested in the Simcox campaign. Chris is still listed as a Special Guest Speaker but, Michael Broomhead representing John McCain is listed as another “Special Guest Speaker” at the 6/22 meeting.
Chris arrived at the 6/22 LD-6 meeting to find a surprise candidate’s debate had been set up under the disguise of inviting Chris Simcox as a “Special Guest Speaker.” Michael Broomhead was nowhere to be found. The surprise debate included Chris Simcox, Jim Deakin and Paul Charlton representing John McCain.
I wanted you to be aware of the unethical practices being employed by David Braswell as LD-6 Chairman. When you talk to other candidates planning a visit to LD-6 they should be made aware that arrangements promised by Chairman Braswell are untrustworthy. This despicable practice reflects poorly on our whole district and frankly, on our Party.
Fortunately, Mr. Simcox doesn’t require advance notice to tell both the truth and his winning story of service for our country. By all accounts, Chris “won over the room” last night. Still though, I’m sure you do not condone lying invitations as “Guest Speaker” to LD Meetings.
From David Braswell’s May 18th invitation to Chris Simcox campaign
“…Moreover, this is official confirmation that I have scheduledChris to speak at the June 22nd LD 6 meeting to be held at thesame location and time as the meeting guest speaker. As such,Chris will be provided up to 20 minutes to speak to the LD 6members and another 15 minutes for questions.” Original complete email from David Braswell available upon request.
Attached: Official LD-6 pre-meeting agenda listing Chris Simcox and Michael Broomhead as “Special Guest Speakers.”
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Mark Zemel
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