Democrats Rush Health Care Bill Past American People
John Shadegg: “Nancy Pelosi is forcing crucial legislation—legislation that will impact the lives of ALL Americans—to be rushed through Congressional Committees and fast-tracked on its path to being crammed down the throats of the American people…”
Washington, June 18 -
Today, Congressman John Shadegg (AZ-3) released the following statement about the Democrat plans to pass health care legislation by August.
“The same Democrat party that once professed its belief that ‘Every person in America has a right to have his or her voice heard’ is now abusing its Majority status to silence any dissenters on what is arguably the most important issue of our time: health care reform. Although she claimed she would create the ‘most honest, ethical, and open Congress in history,’ Nancy Pelosi is forcing crucial legislation—legislation that will impact the lives of ALL Americans—to be rushed through Congressional Committees and fast-tracked on its path to being crammed down the throats of the American people before they know what hit them.
“Democrat leadership has promised the passage of a health care bill before August, yet neither Republicans in Congress nor the American people who have so much at stake have seen more than bits and pieces of the overhaul Democrats are concocting.
“The few details that have emerged about the Democrats’ proposed reform are troubling in and of themselves, but what is more troubling is the fact that Democrats have decided they can shut the American people out of the debate.
“This is not the first time Democrats have employed such a tactic, which allows the Majority to claim an interest in bipartisan, open debate while, in reality, avoiding one. In May, after having spent months drafting it behind closed doors, Democrats rushed a nearly 1,000 page climate change bill through the Energy and Commerce Committee in a mere four days. This process was so rushed, in fact, that hearings were held in Energy and Commerce AFTER the bill had been passed through it.
“Nancy Pelosi was absolutely correct when she said that all Americans have a right to be heard. However, she and her Democrat colleagues are proving that such statements are nothing more than political rhetoric. The Democrat Majority must stop silencing the dissent of Republicans and the concerns of the American people. This time, as they are crafting flawed health care legislation, they are not just casting aside public input; they are putting lives on the line.”
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