Monday, May 04, 2009

Three More Horror Stories? Or just one big one? By HJS

If I were of a suspicious nature, I might suspect that these three articles were related. Now just what on earth is going on in this country--and just what does the media think it is doing, or not doing?


CNN: International Treaty Gives Foreign Troops Identity of American Gun Owners (CIFTA)

May 2nd, 2009

Its been known by those who actually read the history of Barack Obama as a U.S. Senator he is strongly anti-Second Amendment.

Both President Obama and V. P. Biden are
veraciously anti gun, that is in the hands of U.S. citizens. But they have no such compunctions against massively increasing the size of para military organizations inside the U. S. like Homeland Security spending tax payer funds to provide FBI, DPS, Border Patrol, local police and DHS agents with military weapons and hardware.
Yet the public is told not to worry President Obama is not going after your guns. This is yet another lie being told by The White House and their press corp which apparently includes MSNBC. I
sometimes get confused, who is Obama’s press secretary. Is it Robert Gibbs or Keith Olbermann?

Hidden somewhere in the hysteria of a Swine Flu Pandemic that isn’t and the latest Hollywood scandal is
CIFTA. The Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms.

This international treaty (There is no world government, close your eyes and repeat as many times as necessary.) will provide world governments with information on American gun owners. These gun owners will be subject to prosecution by world governments for any “crimes” committed under this treaty. Such as reloading ammunition referred to in CIFTA as explosives manufacturing.
Video: CNN Lou Dobbs on CIFTA (International Gun Control)

Source: News Jacksonville

The surprise scene at the shore startled beach goers, but readied the troops. Sailors and Marines along the beach at Mayport began moving the crowd away from the water Saturday afternoon as the amphibious assault vehicles approached across the waves. “Everybody back up!” a sailor shouted. “Keep backing up. Now move back just a little more.” Moments later, the vehicles - looking like the offspring of a submarine and a tank - burst through the surf, surging forward as their treads bit into the sand. The hydraulic brakes slammed into action, and the rear of the vehicles opened, disgorging more than 100 troops from eight countries. “Left, go left!” shouted a U.S. Marine. “Shape up over there!” Overhead, a brace of helicopters rented the sky. The assault on the beach at Mayport Naval Station was part of the Marine’s Partnership of the Americas exercise, held in conjunction with the Navy’s Unitas exercise. “It’s really a learning environment for everybody,” said Col. Jay Huston, commanding officer of the task force doing the exercise. During the past week, the troops - Marines from the U.S. and six countries in Central and South America, as well as soldiers from Canada - worked together at Camp Blanding, fast-roping out of helicopters, firing weapons and sharing tactics. They jelled quickly. “The only difference in identity” said Lt. Col. Jorge Garcia of Colombia, “is in the color of the uniforms. We have the same objectives.”

Federal Troops on Mexican Streets Stopping Major Protests

May 2nd, 2009

Arriving May 1st in Mexico City on a national holiday George4title reports most private and government locations closed. Creating a perfect Hollywood style backdrop for a Influenza panic movie.

George a citizen journalist from California has been told by Mexican nationals that federal troops have been used to stop protests of the government during the influenza or “The Panic” as it is called by locals.
George on the scene in Mexico City:
“They call it the Influenza here, and The Panic. That’s the big thing they talk about.” George continues, “These Federal Police from what I can understand from my guides limited English, is they are going around and they are stopping some major protests that are happening caused by this Influenza epidemic.”

Filming from “Panic Central” George captures footage of a company strength unit of Mexican Federales deploying for an operation among the civilian population.

The troops do not appear to be armed with rifles or heavy military weaponry indicating this is an operational drill. Such an operation could be used to train the public to the presence of federal troops on the ground and an opportunity for the troops themselves to be tested and evaluated.

Video: George reports from Mexico City on “Influenza - The Panic”
Visit George’s YouTube Channel

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