Today is a political D-Day for the future of the Republican Party. On day two of this epic showdown, the Republican National Committee’s main-event features “Team Jurassic vs. Team Millenium”.
RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, gave a moving and radically honest speech to the RNC State Chairmen yesterday from his home turf of Prince George’s County Maryland. Steele’s sincere and forthright words came during the first day of a special meeting called by the rebellious faction of the RNC, the newly formed Republican Conservative Caucus.
(The RCC was formed in February 2009, in response to the D.C. insider and Southern flavored “Good Ol’ Boys & Girls Club” defeat and heartbreaking loss of the RNC Chairman position to Michael Steele. The RNC will never be the same. Hallelujah.)
RCC members, newly elected RNC Treasurer and Arizona GOP Chairman Randy Pullen and his partner at the RNC, former RNC General Counsel David Norcross of New Jersey, have buddied up to cast the appearance of a lack of confidence in Steele’s ability to run the RNC.
This morning, CNN’s Peter Hamby is reporting that David Norcross said that Steele “made the right steps” in his remarks on Tuesday. But he added that any talk of Steele’s success at this point is “premature.” “He’s got a ways to go,” said Norcross. “You don’t change things in a day.” Click HERE to go to the CNN story.
In the last couple of months, Randy Pullen had the nerve to introduce via email, a “good governance” resolution that RNC members will vote on today. Click HERE to read it. The Pullen resolution would force RNC Chairman Michael Steele to ask Randy Pullen and a bunch of older white guys if and when Steele could spend over $100,000. Pullen’s resolution also calls for new, unprecedented fiscal oversights and more layers of “big government” at the RNC.
Under Pullen’s resolution, even the “job description” of the RNC Treasurer would significantly change – and vastly increase in power and authority.
If all of the tenets of Pullen’s resolution pass the RNC vote, Pullen’s new authority would be conducted by several figureheads and new boards of white guys who can only be removed with Pullen’s blessing and the new board members’ permission. Forget Steele’s authority, position or opinion. No big surprise there for anyone who knows Randy Pullen.
Pullen’s tenure as RNC Treasurer would be the inaugural experiment of the new style of a triple-layer of ‘Good Ol’ Boy” cronyism protection over expenditures of the sacred $ raised by the RNC.
Most of the new ca$h is being raised by small donations from Americans who like Michael Steele’s ability to speak to their heart and soul. Since Steele’s election, the average RNC donation is only $55 but there have been almost $25 million raised so far. That kind of fundraising from the RNC is unheard of.
If Randy Pullen truly believes in ethics, morality, fiscal responsibility or general accountability…... he has not seen fit to follow any of those “good governance” traits within his own Arizona Republican Party.
Pullen is not someone whose name should be mentioned in the same sentence as “good governance” anywhere near Arizona. His name, however, could be mentioned in the same sentence as, “Arizona GOP Girls & Guys Gone Wild”.
In recent weeks, Pullen’s leadership capabilities have been seriously called into question by his unwavering support of AZ GOP Executive Director Brett Mecum, during Mecum’s high-profile arrest at the State Party office on criminal charges and the public release of a photograph of AZ GOP E.D. Brett Mecum dressed as “Captain America” getting a simulated (I hope) 'Monica Lewinski' while a female friend simulates the performance of lesbian oral sex on another friend.
Warning Adult Content Click here to see the photographs.
Recently, Pullen has also played a huge role in the “official sanctioning” of a hostile takeover of the Republican Professionals networking group, complete with allegations of sexual harassment perpetrated by the young guys under Randy Pullen's wing of protection (click HERE for the story), and the unwelcome interference with the new "Coalition of Arizona African American Republicans" during their first meeting with Governor Jan Brewer.
But…….there is always a $$$$ trail to follow.
As RNC Treasurer, Randy Pullen has called for Chairman Michael Steele to have fiscal transparency with multiple layers of advisors and permission grantors – something Pullen knows nothing about and sure doesn’t practice during his day job.
One could argue whether Pullen himself is qualified to be the Treasurer of the Republican National Committee.
For months, local politicos have been busy watching multiple, amended GOP campaign finance records magically appear, that detail Randy Pullen’s creative accounting, something that’s been called a new spectator-sport here in Arizona.
Pullen, a certified public accountant by trade, has amended records on one end of a committee fund transfer, but not on the other…..proving that he’s either very forgetful or hoping that no one will notice. I vote for #2. Click HERE to view FEC reports.
Pullen wants to bind Steele’s hands for expenses over $100,000 but several months ago, Randy Pullen himself, crafted an elaborate ruse and master-minded a scheme that filtered OVER $100,000 in and out of several brand-new political committees (more or less – according to testimony) that were allegedly illegally earmarked and spent by Pullen. Click HERE to see Pullen's statement of organization.
Click HERE and HERE to see finance records for Pullen's AZ GOP independent expenditure committee, sponsored by the Arizona Republican Party.
Hey, don’t the Mexican drug cartels do the same thing Randy? I thought so.
Randy Pullen even had the nerve to list his own personal Post Office Box at the Arcadia Station as the “address of record” for the SCAM and SHAM “official” AZ GOP political committee - "Arizonans for Public Safety" - on the Arizona Republican Party's financial reports to the AZ Secretary of State; instead of using the AZ GOP party office address that he officially listed with the Maricopa County Recorders Office. Click HERE & HERE to see the AZ GOP finance records on file at the AZ SOS office.
Why would Pullen have AZ GOP contribution$ collected from all over the United States and then filter those dollar$ through an "official" political committee of the AZ GOP but use his OWN personal address? Out of sight, out of mind I guess.
Pullen made one mistake in naming his quasi-political committee. He should’ve named that AZ GOP affiliated group as the "Arizonans for PUBIC Safety" – since its main expenditure was the production of a TV ad that salaciously described Maricopa County Sheriff candidate, Democrat Dan Saban’s lunch-time Maaaasssttturrrbbaaation.
Click HERE to see the perverted and unfactual TV ad Randy Pullen bought and paid for with AZ and FEDERAL GOP donations.
So, the message Randy Pullen has for all Republicans is this…..
WHEREAS, I’ll filter $ through my own address and pay $100,000 for a TV ad about a masturbating guy running against my friend, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
WHEREAS, I won’t fire the AZ GOP Executive Director Brett Mecum, who publicly participated in (allegedly) simulated group oral sex and was arrested on criminal charges at the State GOP office………
WHEREAS, I’m a GOP hypocrite like so many of the Republicans who’ve driven away the younger generations en masse - because of stuff like this.
The people of Arizona have lived through this long enough – now Pullen is attempting to bring his brand of the Wild West to D.C. and the RNC. The guy is a liability to the future of the Republican Party.
If you let these RNC Jurassic Raptors have an inch, they will KILL for a mile. The GOP carcasses that litter the scenic highways and byways of Arizona and beyond - prove my point.
Bring on your lawsuit 'Anon'. Those photos did not come from, nor were made by us. Sue us so ALL the truth will come out. If this blog is a joke, why are your reading it?
Ghost whispers add up. This GOP better get on top of the problem now. We cannot afford one more moment of lies, or children in charge. Only a arrogant, troubled boy would think so little of women, embarrass his group, and put himself in a terrible situation.
This party is on edge, and why on Earth would Mr. Pullen protect anyone who, even if joking, would do ANY of the things most 14 years olds would not? He did a good job? Doing what? Is this the face of any young republicans? Good lord- tramp stamps and geek party boys with serious esteem issues?
Well I hope Mr. Pullen realizes that offending women, protecting harrassment, and playing hide and seek with money matters. You speak for the entire national GOP during a time that it is nearly impossible to get funds, get candidates elected, and get back on message!
I hope you and Mr. ED will be feelin' fine, driving any speed you want, together, out of town.
I just want to know why Mecum is still Executive Director!!!!!!! I am so disgusted as a woman that someone that piglike and sexist is permitted to represent us! Gosh I am so grossed out excuse me while I go throw up. Nasty rich old misogynist white boys club as usual. No wonder more women become Democrats, no one in the GOP has the guts to put a stop to this kind of chauvinistic behavior.
Conservative PC Says:
May 20th, 2009 at 1:59 pm
First of all, thank you DSW for allowing comments on issues like this. There have been emails flying around on this and some of us would like to know what’s really going on, since we’ve enjoyed attending the happy hour networking events.
Seems pretty clear to me that the president of the group hasn’t left the group nor is he starting a new group. As for the other rival group started by the former webmaster and photographer, I have concerns about the complaints of sexual harassment by those two gentlemen, which is why they were removed from the board and have now formed this new group. They are roommates with GOP Executive Director Brett Mecum, who has had some pictures circulating of himself engaging in sexually compromising positions. http://www.flickr.com/photos/38420324@N03/3533609357/in/set-72157618202322488/
I don’t think young men like that have any business running a Republican networking group.
I would recommend that members stay away from that second group, unless they have no problem with sexual harassment.
The real question... what does Mecum have on Pullen? What dirty, embarrassing and/or illegal activities does Mecum know about or was a participant in that would require Pullen to keep him on the job?
The Arizona Republican Party has an ED problem, and I don't mean an erectile dysfunction problem despite what the photos suggest.
I bet Pullen comes after Jeff Vath for this post and tries to shut him down and smear him. But bloggers have free speech rights, even anonymous bloggers like Vath's "Ghost" who wrote this post. Pullen better not intimidate Vath, who operates just like DSW does on Sonoran Alliance. He's the public persona of this site, allowing others to post anonymously on important political issues of the day. If Pullen doesn't like it, he should ask Vath to let him contribute to Politico Mafioso too. You mark my words, Pullen is going to initiate a smear campaign of Vath, which is not right and I bet there are plenty of lawyers who can't stand Pullen who will rush to Vath's defense. Intimidation by the State GOP over political speech is reprehensible.
Pullen and Mecum are in a state of denial. They need to step aside to allow the Republican Party to grow again. I have never met anyone more hated than Brett Mecum. He needs to read the book "How to win friends and infulence people." How much longer does this corruption.
This blog is a joke.
hay fat Boy, you sure are trying to put a lot of space between your attack on the GOP Chairman and yourself.
I speak for many of the women in the Republican Party. We are fed up with the Pullen/Mecum cover up alleged sexual harassment. Both need to resign immediately!
To Fed Up GOP Women;
You're too well fed, lose some weight then maybe the boys would also be interested in you.
Oh, Fat Boy, it's woman not women, women is plural, woman is singular. That's OK, we know you're stupid.
The above are words by Bob Haran, 2nd Vice-Chairman of LD-6 Republicans. He can't fight me with the truth, since he wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the head. So much for you using your 'real name' on comments Bob.
Tommorrow we will learn the real truth about Mr. Haran and his demented, sick mind.
Guess you want to meet me at the Adobe Dam for a duel huh Bobo?
Keep your comments coming Bob!
Your mother was a hoe on Park Row,
Your Daddy you didn't know,
That makes you a hobo, bro.
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