Contrary to reports earlier in the 'Gila Courier(Q) Blog, the "REAL" Republican Professionals "POLITICS ON THE ROCKS" event tonight was a huge hit!
Over 350 + people enjoyed a great evening @ the W Hotel in Scottsdale, AZ. Maricopa County Attorney ANDREW THOMAS & AZRTL Board Member and Longtime President JOHN JAKUBCZYK were the guest speakers. Another successful event for the RP folks! More photos to follow tomorrow.

Republican Professionals Founder & President CHARLES JENSEN

Considering the competitive nature of the two groups, and the fact that most people will question your numbers, you might have taken a picture of the 350 plus and not just 9 people.
RP Anonymous
Considering you didn't read the post which said: "more photos to follow tomorrow", most people will question your motives. You might have refrained from commenting about the picture of only 9 people if you weren't part of the so-called 'competition', huh?
Speed Camera, I'm not part of either group and really couldn't care. You guys are paranoid. I was only making an observation, as I will now, in saying that the newer pictures show more people. Glad to see it, regardless of which group it is.
You idiots cannibalizing each other are hurting the party, is another observation I'll submit.
I will not be attending any of your Republican Professionals meetings. It looks like a bunch of political hacks running the show. Not a true grassroots movement. Why are you posting "real" and "founder"? Your really looking lousy.
This was my first time to attend this event and I was greatly impressed. My guess would be closer to 400 people and the networking was very productive. I already have two follow-up meetings! Well done to the RP group - I will be attending future events. Thank you.
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