Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama Marks 100 Days in Office... By Mocking Concerned Americans! by Bobby Eberle

April 30, 2009

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The longer this administration is in office, the less I am surprised about what they do. Obama is doing a full court press to break the bank and strap Americans with an incredible debt and tax burden. We see this happening every day. It is frightening to see an American president acting this way.

What is equally sickening is the way Obama expresses contempt for those who do not agree with him. He uses the bully pulpit to take shots at talk radio, dismisses legislators who disagree with him on principle, and now... now he is mocking the hundreds of thousands of Americans who turned out to protest runaway government spending. This shows a complete lack of class and is unbecoming an American president.

Today, I figured I'd be focusing on Obama's primetime love fest. On Wednesday evening, Obama held a press conference to mark his first 100 days in office, and he provided plenty of fodder to write a column. But, that can wait. Although the press conference revealed much about the nature of Obama and his policies (and the nature of the Washington press corps), what is even more revealing (and disturbing) is what happened earlier in the day.

It turns out, Obama just can't have a press conference to celebrate 100 days of "hey, look at me." He also has to throw in a townhall meeting in St. Louis where he has complete control over the situation. Rather that use it to simply push his agenda, he also used it to make fun of Fox News and the tea party protesters.


This is absolutely, positively outrageous! Obama is the president of the United States! He is supposed to represent the people... ALL the people. He is not the president of the "United States of Only Those People Who Agree With Me."

Hundreds of thousands of protesters turned out on tax day not only to protest taxes, but primarily to protest the massive government spending they are seeing. Obama has spent more in his first 100 days than President George W. Bush did in his entire first term.

How does Obama respond? Well, on the actual day of the protests, he ignored them. He didn't even acknowledge what was going on around him.
Now, he has taken that slap in the face and turned it into a punch in the gut! These are Americans whom he is mocking.... concerned American citizens and the president of the United States is spitting in their faces. Words cannot describe how pathetic his actions are. Is this how an American president is supposed to act? NO!!!

Even his shot at Fox News (which many will overlook), sends a message that he only cares about those elitists who agree with him. Fox News is, by far, the most watched cable news channel in the country. Just check out the
ratings for yesterday as an example. Fox News not only leads, it dominates.
There is only ONE way to lead in television ratings... by having more people watching. So again, by mocking Fox News, Obama is taking a swipe at all those who watch Fox News.

It is absolutely shocking that Obama speaks about bringing people together, but seeks to divide the country based on class or intellect or whatever tool he can use. How dare he!

Oh, and to raise my blood pressure even higher, I then found
CNN's coverage of Obama's pathetic comments. Just look at the opening paragraph:
President Obama has finally responded personally to the so-called "tea party" movement -- a move amongst some conservatives that criticizes the new administration's policies on taxes, spending, and borrowing during a national economic crisis.

So-called tea party movement? When 750 thousand protesters turn to the streets, doesn't that count as a real movement? Then... oh yes... the writer (CNN Associate Producer Martina Stewart) describes the protests as "a move amongst some conservatives." That statement right there shows that CNN has absolutely no concept of the people at the tea party protests. To simply label it as a movement of "some conservatives" is a way to divide. The tea party protests brought together Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Speakers were booed if they attempted to become too partisan.

We all know where CNN stands, so I guess that is no real shock. But the comments of Obama on Wednesday should be heard by all. Every American should be outraged by this! The tea party protesters are first ignored, then mocked by their own president? What comes next?

Obama should apologize to the American people, and he
should do it now! He and his ilk already tried to diminish Joe the Plumber. He has already made fun of Special Olympics participants. Now, he is mocking the average working Americans who poured out to protest the actions of their government. Do you see a pattern?

Never before have I seen an American president actually make fun of people who are concerned about their country. Mr. Obama... America is more than the socialist elite that you hobnob with at the White House. Stop spitting in the face of hard-working Americans. If you let America be America, we can emerge from this recession just fine.
President Obama owes the American people an apology. Click on the link below to send him a letter, and
encourage your friends to send one too.

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