Last night, RNC Chair Michael Steele met via conference call with supporters, activists, GOP leaders and bloggers.
Steele used every one of his 45 minutes to emphatically state that the GOP is
The RNC’s new 21st Century roadmap for the Republican Party is focused on the grassroots efforts of its members – but the rules of the game have changed. That is good news for Arizona .
Steele said, “The important thing is, our efforts have to connect locally. They have to empower nationally and they have to be focused on: who we are, what we believe and how we translate that in a 21st Century way that embraces – not repels. That informs – not misguides and that gives people a chance to say...very proudly…I am a Republican.”
The RNC will also divide the US into four regions: the West, the Midwest , the South and the Northeast. Each of these regions will play an integral part in forming networks and avenues by which to relay a regionally relevant GOP message to area voters; while winning elections and energizing new generations with the principled message of the Republican Party.
Coalition building is another important rebuilding tool and will be the responsibility of all of us. No longer will the GOP focus on the fe-fi-fo-fum useless minority “Outreach” programs of the previous National and State Party offices. Steele stressed, “I want coalitions to be proactive, engaging and I want it to matter. We’ve only given lip service to this, and NO more.”
He continued, “Your guidance and participation in this is going to be so important, to help us avoid falling into the same old traps of, ‘Oh, this is our Black Event – so we only invite Black people. This is our Hispanic Event – God- let’s find a Hispanic – if we haven’t ticked them all off by now.’ That’s really is the goal here - to make this more integrated…much more familiar to those individuals and constituencies who don’t go around compartmentalizing their associations.”
(The Ghost pumped his fist in the air after hearing that one.)
In almost a prophetic declaration, Steele spoke to the heart and soul of those of us on the call. He said what no other GOP leader will. He spoke about real people with real lives. He spoke his heart. He spoke the truth. Steele dared take on the Republican Party’s social values message to the masses.
Steele said this about his plan,
“…I think this will strengthen our base and our principles will remain true in all aspects; because, they’ve been true in all times for all people.
However, to expand our base, we have to broaden our appeal. And, while social values ground us as individuals to serve our community and our nation well - when we remain committed to those - that will not be the sole part of what we do as an agenda. We will integrate those social values with economic values, with health care values, with environmental values and with all of the other issues that people are dealing with in their daily lives.
We will, I hope, paint a broader picture of this party….not diminished in stature, not weakened its voice for those core principles, what I like to call those First Principles, but strengthened by the fact that we can do what the other party can’t do & that is bring meaningful change to their lives.”
Steele also responded to a generational problem that has plagued GOP events across the country and handed the last election to OBAMA. Michael Steele recognizes the sins of the past and said, “It’s amazing how we completely lost an entire segment of the voting population without engaging them.”
Steele understands and admires the organization and technologies being used by Obama supporters and Steele couldn’t resist making his point. Very well.
Steele hit his final home run with this, “Obama’s got 13 million voters at his fingertips, on his Blackberry, that he can summons at a moments notice - that he can form and inform at the drop of a hat. And we’re still sitting here on the sidelines trying to figure out how to stop that blinking light on the VCR. Well, no one’s using VCRs anymore, so don’t stare at the damn light! Alright? Just focus on where we are and this new environment we’re in and engage these voters on a day-to-day basis.”
RNC Chairman Michael Steele delivered one of the best sermons I’ve ever heard. He hit a raw nerve in so many of us who are unconsenting participants in a State and County Republican Party that has been hijacked by too many name-calling ideological control freaks. They are going to have some kind o’ trouble trying to fit into the new GOP. The Constitution Party just called…...
TexasFred to Michael Steele, the RNC and ALL Republicans: Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way and let a Conservative do it...
Steele is full of it
Great article 'Ghost'!!! Michael Steele was elected to do a job & he is doing it. Only the MINI-ME Deadbeats of the GOP won't like what Chairman Steele is bringing to the table. Note to Fred: Steele won the Election, get over it bro! Gee, that sounds familiar?
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