Let's face it: conservatism is in crisis. The liberal media is gleefully pronouncing it dead, and President Obama and his Far-Left henchmen are doing all they can to make sure it is marginalized and silenced. But radio talk show host Mark Levin is not ready to admit defeat!
In Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, he outlines a sweeping new conservative approach toward key issues including immigration, education, health care, the welfare state, the free market, and environmentalism. Above all, he issues a ringing call for a return to the true principles of Federalism and the Constitution as the Framers intended it to be -- a true conservative manifesto!
So distant is America today from its founding principles, says Levin, that it is even hard to describe precisely the nature of our government as it stands: it's not quite a representative republic, not quite a constitutional republic, and not quite a federal republic. In contrast to this confusion, Levin, the bestselling author of Rescuing Sprite and Men In Black, offers a sound conservative vision -- and maintains that conservatism is not just a political perspective, but a way of understanding life, society, and governance.
Levin offers a solid historical overview of the Founding Fathers' view of civil society, liberty, the dignity of the individual, and shows how these views were enshrined in the Constitution. With illuminating erudition and his customary wit, Levin explains the true nature of progress (as opposed to the counterfeit "change" that Obama and the other hucksters in his Administration are selling to the American people), details the role of religious faith in the American Founding (in contrast to the radical secularism that Leftists are forcing down Americans' throats today), and offers a solid prescription for battling proponents of the ever-expanding welfare rolls, environmentalist totalitarians, open-borders fanatics, and short-sighted peaceniks who would leave America weaponless and defenseless.
Levin reminds us that freedom isn't guaranteed, but must be fought for and defended stoutly. We conservatives need to get busy -- and in Liberty and Tyranny, Levin shows us the way.
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