Thursday, March 19, 2009

AIG: An Outrage


March 18, 2009

House Republicans are outraged. They are outraged about bailouts. They are outraged about massive overspending. They are outraged about AIG. Leader John Boehner says the American people are "rightly outraged" that their tax money is paying the bonuses of those who lead the economy to this mess.
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor says we have an "administration in dissarray" and noted that "we have a concern of continued govt intrusion into the markets with a real lack of accountability."

Conference Chairman Mike Pence hits the message hard:

No more bailouts, no more executive bonuses, no more handing
out of federal tax dollars to foreign corporations. The american people have had it. They want this Congress to get back to fiscal discipline and restraint and the belief that the freedom to succeed includes the freedom to fail. We have got to bring this country back -- this busines community back -- to the notion of personal responsibility and accountability for one's actions."

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