Tuesday, March 03, 2009

After the AZ Tea Party-What YOU can do to stop tax-and-spend bailouts


(Photos and video from the AZ Taxpayer Tea Party are at www.aztaxpayers.org.)

Dear Arizona Taxpayer,

Unless Americans take action, the trillion-dollar “Stimulus”
package will only be the beginning of a long series of tax-and-spend, pork-barrel federal packages (review the US experience in the 1930s, or Japan’s during the 1990s, if you’re not sure). The result will be a federal takeover of the banking, education, energy, and health care sectors, as well as increased federal control over state and local governments.

Unless Arizonans take action, the state government will raise taxes to bail itself out of its budget deficit. Former Gov. Janet Napolitano and her allies raised state government spending to unsustainable levels over the past six years, and now the government is coming back for more of your money. Gov. Jan Brewer started off strong, by approving the Legislature’s spending reductions to the FY 2009 budget, but she is now floating the idea of raising your property taxes and sending a massive sales tax increase to a special ballot in June or September.

Here are five easy steps YOU can take to stop the madness:

1) Send a tea bag to President Obama. Two first-class postage stamps will cover the weight of a typical tea bag. His address:

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

2) Send tea bags to the AZ congressionals who voted for the “Stimulus.” US Reps. Gabrielle Giffords, Raul Grijalva, Ann Kirkpatrick, Harry Mitchell, and Ed Pastor need to get a tea bag from you. Here are their ground-mail contacts:


3) Contact Gov. Brewer. Please send Gov. Brewer a quick email, or better yet, leave her a phone message, to tell her you think raising taxes on families and businesses during a recession is a BAD IDEA. Contacts for Gov. Brewer’s communications office are:

psenseman@az.gov Phone: (602) 542-1342

Or, use the form at

If that doesn’t work, send your name, city, zip code, and major cross streets to infoAZ@afphq.org.

4) Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors!

For Liberty,


Tom Jenney
Arizona Director
Americans for Prosperity
(Arizona Federation of Taxpayers)

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