Thursday, February 19, 2009


To GOP Leaders--

The Obama/Pelosi regime have gone over the top ( again ).

On September 11, 2001 our nation was savagely attacked causing untold sadness, death, destruction as well as damage to our economy and way of life.

For over seven years our country was protected from foreign attack by the leadership of our President who vowed to keep us safe. As a nation at war America waged a modern battle that had little precedent in earlier conflicts. Democrat leaders in Congress and their presidential candidates routinely criticized President Bush with their strategy of defeat. Despite their "catcalls" he toughed out their rhetoric for withdrawal and today we see the fruits of his courage with victory in Iraq which has allowed his successor to re deploy American fighting forces to the next theatre of conflict in Afghanistan.

Rather than recognizing his courage the democrat party leadership intends to prosecute and stage political show trials which would forever damage the country and inflict untold harm to our armed forces.

See this article from today's US News & World Report :
Asked in a Rolling Stoneinterview if she foresees "a scenario in which senior members of the Bush administration are actually prosecuted," Pelosi said, "
I think so. The American people deserve answers. Where we
are now, in terms of prosecution of White House staff, is that we have charged them with contempt of Congress. We're talking about Harriet Miers, Josh Bolten and Karl Rove."
Asked about high-level officials such as former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the "people who authorized torture and greenlighted the kidnapping and rendition of innocent people," Pelosi said,
"I didn't like their policies, which is why we needed to win the election - to get them out of power. But I don't know what the evidence is against them on any specific charge."
On 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Rolling Stone's Tim Dickinson said, "
Well, she sort of started out trying to do this Obama two step, where you say, no one's above the law, but we need to look forward. But by the end of our conversation, she was really endorsing the sort of truth and reconciliation commission approach that's been put forth by both Leahy in the Senate and by Conyers in the House. ... I think she really did get ahead of the President on that front."

If you agree that these political "Truth" trials are wrong I hope you will contact the White House, Ms Pelosi and Mr Reid's offices as well as any one of Arizona's democrat house members ( Pastor,Grijalva,Giffords,Mitchell and Kirkpatrick ).

Bruce Ash
National Committeeman

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