Monday, February 09, 2009

There are 61 Democratic Senators

Cross Posted from Conservative Solutions/Let's Get This Right.

Note to readers:

We have been so successful in our outreach to Senators Collins, Snowe and Specter that they have turned off their phones and answering machines in both their DC and state offices. The following is a snail mail letter I drafted this evening.

Dear Senators Collins, Snowe and Specter,

On Monday, you voted with the Democratic majority in the Senate to end debate on the Porkulus Bill which, thanks to you is now continuing its arduous road to President Obama's desk.

You voted to saddle me, my children and yet unborn grandchildren with over $1 trillion in debt for a program that will not work.

Is it "timely?" Not according to the CBO which estimates that less than 50% of bills spending provisions will take effect before the end of fiscal year 2010. Is it "targeted?" Not unless the targets are the National Endowment for the Arts, Acorn, studying Climate Change and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Is it "temporary?" It creates nearly 36 new government programs and as a true Republican (unlike you) said, "The closest thing to eternal life is a government program."

The wasteful spending in this bill will become the new "baseline." Any future attempt by true Republicans (unlike you) to cut or even freeze this current level of spending will be heralded by Democrats and their Greek chorus in the Main Stream Media as "devastating cuts" that will "gut these vital programs" and "hurt most the people who can afford it least."

I can understand why all House and Senate Democrats, the Independent and the Socialist in the Senate voted to support the newly elected President. I am less certain as to why the three of you have decided that 177 House Republicans, 36 Senate Republicans and 200+ economists who co-signed the Cato Institute's letter to President Obama are wrong and the three of you, not an economist in the bunch, are suddenly economic experts.

In truth you are not and you know that. You are political experts and recognize that your own re-election is more important to you than the future of this country.

It is oft stated that the giving up of one's life is the ultimate sacrifice. I have always argued that in fact, the loss of one's honor is the ultimate sacrifice. No thinking person has ever considered the loss of elected office would qualify as the ultimate sacrifice...until you three.

I dedicated nearly two years of my life to help elect Senator John McCain as President. It was a decision that was derided by many of my fellow Republicans and Conservatives. However, in the effort I was honored to be one of the leaders of a team that coordinated over 200 pro-McCain bloggers and increased his internet presence by over 500% and took a leadership position that we never relinquished. We raised well over $100,000 for his campaign, sent dozens of volunteers to key battleground states and made over 40,000 calls in the final weeks of the general election.

In this latest effort we have coordinated over 600 people dedicated to the defeat of the Porkulus Bill who have made over 10,000 calls, sent 5,000 faxes and 20,000 e-mails. Unfortunately in your cases, the efforts of true conservative Republicans have apparently fallen on deaf ears.

Senators Collins, Snowe and Specter you need to understand that if you vote for final passage of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Ried's Porkulus Bill that I and many of the participants of our earlier efforts will sacrifice their time, talent and treasure to see that none of you ever hold elective office again.


Brad Marston
Managing Director
The Foundation for Conservative Solutions, LLC

1 comment:

tigrefan98 said...

Two words: A. Men.

Specter had a cancer recurrence this summer, he won his primary 51-49 and my gut tells me he knows he's out in 2010 anyway and the dems made him a deal. I suppose he is putting the LAME in lame duck. (No offense to ducks...)