Friday, February 06, 2009

Senate Phone Lines Melting Down!

Tens of thousands of Americans have been bombarding the Senate with phone calls, FAXes and emails today and the Senate is feeling the heat - but 4 GOP Senators are thinking about selling out and supporting this spending bill that has almost NOTHING to do with economic stimulus, but a lot to do with wasting your tax dollars.

The four key GOP Senators who need to hear from us (try phone lines, try FAXes, try the email addresses we have listed) are: Senator Olympia Snowe (Maine), Senator Susan Collins (Maine), Senator George Voinovich (Ohio), and Senator Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania). All the contact information you need to reach these offices ASAP:

Keep checking that list, as we're continuously posting new updated information and will do so all throughout the day.


Obama has been president for only two weeks yet his administration shows signs that it will be even worse than critics such as ourselves had thought. Between more taxpayer-funded bailouts, secret meetings to appease Iran, a push to close the GITMO terrorist detention facility to appease American critics, the $1 TRILLION bogus "stimulus" package, pushing for taxpayer funded abortions around the globe... and now news reports indicate Democratic congressional leaders are discussing a push for the "Fairness Doctorine" to silence criticism from talk radio.

Friends, we are going to have a lot of battles on our hands to fight all that is being thrown at the people of this nation by Obama/Pelosi/Reid -- but the most important thing we can do to make a difference is to make sure we win the 2010 congressional elections and get rid of the liberal Democrat majorities that Obama is using to push through his agenda.

We here at the Our Country Deserves Better Committee are going to need your help to be successful. Last year we raised about $1.3 million to fight against Obama's presidential campaign. We want to raise 10 TIMES that amount so we can wage campaigns against Obama/Pelosi/Reid-backed candidates for Congress all across the country -- and make sure that the Republican nominees for these seats are actual conservatives!

We're asking every one of our members/supporters to please make a contribution so we can build towards our goal. You can donate $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 -- all the way up to $5,000.

And if you think it's too early to start raising money for the 2010 elections, realize this: the primary campaigns for these seats will begin being waged later THIS YEAR. After seeing the mess that Obama/Pelosi/Reid are making of America, surely you agree: WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE IN 2010!

So even if you can only afford to contribtue $10 -- we ask every supporter of our cause to help us kickstart our push to win in 2010 by making a contribution: CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE.

P.S. And if you prefer you can also mail in your donation to our finance headquarters:

Our Country Deserves Better PAC
Attn: Betty Presley
30151 Tomas Street
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

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