Tuesday, February 24, 2009

RNC Chair Michael STEELE has a message and a mea culpa for FEDS: $TOP Spending $$ now! We admit….the 2008 GOP Bailout was “JUST OUTRIGHT BONEHEADED"

Yeah Baby! Michael STEELE doesn’t need a couple of shots of tequila to tell the truth about the hemorrhage of taxpayer $$ flowing out of Washington .

In an interview late yesterday afternoon with FOX News host, Neil Cavuto, Steele gets straight to the point by saying,

“We have watched over $1 TRILLION worth of CASH flow into this economy, into this system. The market response to that has been obvious. It’s NOT- it’s NOT pulling the triggers that need to be pulled.”

Steele agrees with GOP leaders on The Hill who are calling for a federal spending freeze; yet he makes no excuses for the hypocrisy of the GOPs Bush Administration who kicked off the Greenback Garden Party before the President left office.

Steele cut to the chase with this confession,

“We know of what we speak, Neil. We're in a 12-step recovery program right now for that very thing. We spent like crazy, and we brought ourselves to this point, expanding the size of the federal bureaucracy some 40 percent, spending money that the taxpayers did not have, and then at the end, putting in place a bailout mechanism that was just outright boneheaded."

High-5 to Michael STEELE for breaking it right on down to the ground.

Now, it's my turn......

The GOP centrists, right-wingers, ultra-righties, clandestine Constitutionalists, bloggers, loggers, anti-everythings and Evangelicals are ALL implicated and guilty as charged. You’re a doggone liar if you don’t admit that you were BUSH happy….even if you only liked it the first time around.

You asked for it, you got it....

“Capitalist Guys Gone Wild – The BUSH Years !” This mythological DVD set should be the first item catalogued into the George W. Bush Presidential Library.

As we used to sing in Sunday School, “The foolish man built his house upon the sand….the rains came down as the floods came up….and the house on the sand went SPLAT!”

WE built that house, fellow Republicans. WE built that house. No one twisted our arm or held our head underwater. WE have been subsisting on a profound “sense of entitlement” – the same one we say the Dems have now. We might have a different political ideology, maybe a different socio-economic class, a different American Dream…....yet we all take the SAME bait……GREED.

Our GOP “sense of entitlement” gave us:

  • A 5 bedroom 4,500 SQ FT house instead of a 3 or 4 BR 2,200 SQ FT house – financed by our delusional dreams of a near-future financial windfall.
  • Mega-Houses, Mega-Churches, Mega-SUVs, Mega-TaTas, Mega-Erections and Mega-Egos
  • Three new cars for 2 old drivers - financed by pulling all of the equity out of our home.
  • A dream vacation every other year – financed by refinancing a mtg.
  • $20K in veneers and personal trainers for me and $30K in veneers and plastic surgery for the wife – financed by refinancing a mtg.
  • A yearly cash money Bonu$ at the office – for doing nothing extraordinary
  • A new 2 carat diamond ring and ear studs for the wife – financed by a home equity LOC.
  • A Viking and Sub-Zero kitchen for a master-chef & a toilet for a king – financed by a second mtg.
  • A ski boat dry-docked at Lake Pleasant – financed by a refinanced second mtg.
  • A home theater experience to die for, a Plasma TV in everyroom, a cell phone in every pocket, a game console for each child – all financed by creative financing.

Welcome home Republicans.

We are all in a “world of hurt” as my dearly-departed Pop would say. Might as well start telling the children & grandchildren now….about those barefoot, 5-mile walks in the snow to your one-room schoolhouse & the kettle of "Squirrel Soup" on the stove when you got home.

1 comment:

TexasFred said...

Now all he has to do is convince the RINOs that RUN the RNC that he's right... One good man does not a political party make...