Thursday, February 05, 2009


Thanks to a couple of our loyal readers, we found out that we were in the Arizona Capitol Times 'Yellow Sheet' yesterday:

ARTICLE POSTED 2.4.2009 12:54 PM

10:52 a.m. Politico Mafioso is one of the most conservative Republican blog sites in Arizona. Other than "Tony Goprano," we don't know who owns the site, nor who contributes to it.

The blog has eaten its own at times, most recently with a reposting of a YouTube video hit on Crump that originally ran during the 2008 campaign. It not too subtlety portrays the representative as a huge egoist looking to move beyond the Legislature.

Right after Shadegg announced last year he was going to retire from Congress, Crump threw his name in for the seat, and YS is told it's common knowledge in the House Crump wants to be elected to Congress.

With all this as a framework, check out the video:

UPDATE: Crump and Adams reconciled their differences today, and Crump keeps his chairmanship of Gov.

And the Arizona Republic listed us as one of their Favorite Blogs:

For all those political junkies out there, here’s a list of some of our favorite political blogs. Want to add a blog to this page? Send an e-mail to
Christina Leonard,

In the middle:
Arizona Capitol Times

1 comment:

Sheridan Folger said...

Right on Brother