Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Hampshire Warns Federal Government of civil war!

I have had the discussion about a future ‘rebellion’ many times with many folks. Our own editor here at American Daily Review John Barnhart and I routinely discuss the possibility, likelihood etc of an actual uprising. Often many folks disregard such speculation or talk. I am telling you it is not only ‘possible’ it is becoming increasingly likely and increasingly needed!

We here in New Hampshire have fired the first shot across the bow of the federal government by introducing A RESOLUTION affirming States’ rights based on Jeffersonian principles.

If the only way to reel in the federal government or put an end to their destruction of our nation is ‘force’, then force is exactly what me must use!


1 comment:

Tony GOPrano said...

Amen Sheridan! What a mess this all is. All of us who worked to get John McCain elected as President tried to warn people that this would happen. Good thing is that the Obamaites will be held accountable for this PorkULus Bill, full of nothing but payoffs to the Dems political pols. Congrats on the new job!