Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cong. John Shadegg on Spending Bill: 9,000 Reasons to Vote No

Shadegg: “There are 9,000 reasons to vote against this spending bill – 9,000 earmarks slipped and crammed into this pork-stuffed nightmare… Last night, President Obama bragged about this claim that there were no earmarks in his stimulus bill – and yet he’s silent today as he prepares to put his signature on 9,000 earmarks.

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ) released the following statement about Congressional Democrats’ $410 billion omnibus appropriations bill:

“Everyone across the country is cutting back. They are saving every dime they can, doing with less, and prioritizing their budgets. Everyone, that is, except Congress.

“On the heels of the largest spending bill in our history,
House Democrats are now supporting a $410 billion dollar appropriations bill – a nearly 10% increase over 2008.

“How many Americans do you know that are increasing their spending 10 percent in this economy?

“Outside of this chamber, not many.

“In fact, there are 9,000 reasons to vote against this spending bill – 9,000 earmarks slipped and crammed into this pork-stuffed nightmare. There’s so much lard in here it’s glistening. A chunk of it for every pet project and political interest you could imagine.

“Last night, President Obama bragged about this claim that
there were no earmarks in his stimulus bill – and yet he’s silent today as he prepares to put his signature on 9,000 earmarks.

“But then again, the President also held a fiscal responsibility summit at the White House days after signing into law one of the most fiscally irresponsible bills in history.

“And President Obama has said he’s not a fan of big government – while simultaneously making it the centerpiece of his administration.

“These mixed messages may be confusing, but they do not confuse my conscience: I cannot and will not support such an egregious waste of taxpayer money.”

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