Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bruce Ash - 850 Billion Reasons to Oppose the Stimulus Bill


"I’ve said there were 850 billion reasons to oppose the stimulus bill. Here’s a few more.

First – we learned during the Great Depression that big government and social engineering did little to fix a sick economy. This big fat pork laden oinker won’t fix a thing either. In fact it may only make things worse. The current recession was caused by unpaid debt. Now the President wants to add nearly one trillion more unpaid debt?

Any questions about Obama’s failed collectivist ideology have now been answered.

The stimulus bill also creates protectionist trade issues for America and the world economy.

Another lesson this group of liberal democrats ignore from the 1930’s.

Another not so good long term effect of the stimulus bill will be inflation because in a global downturn the Fed will have to print tons more money to meet our obligations. Remember the good old 70’s – this will be stagflation on steroids.

Bad government helped create the financial crisis. Barack Obama is betting our future that more bad government can spend our way back to prosperity. He’s wrong. I trust free markets and the American people – not big government."

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