Thursday, January 15, 2009

Michael Steele Campaign Update

January 15, 2009


TO: Steele Team
FR: Reince Priebus, Chairman, Wisconsin Republican Party
RE: Campaign Update

Congrats Team, we now have 12 Whips working hard every day to elect Michael Steele as the next chairman of the RNC.

I know the Lt. Governor is very appreciative of all of our Whips listed below:

Sharon Giese, National Committeewoman, Arizona Republican Party
Shawn Steel, National Committeeman, California Republican Party
John Frey, National Committeeman, Connecticut Republican State Central Committee
Bob Kabel, Chairman, District of Columbia Republican Committee
Betsy Werronen, National Committeewoman, District of Columbia Republican Committee
Jim Greer, Chairman, Republican Party of Florida
Paul Senft, National Committeeman, Republican Party of Florida
Norm Semanko, Chairman, Idaho Republican State Central Committee
Patrick Brady, National Committeeman, Illinois Republican Party
Joyce Terhes, National Committeewoman, Republican State Central Committee of Maryland
Holly Hughes, National Committeewoman, Michigan Republican State Committee
Reince Preibus, Chairman, Wisconsin Republican Party

In addition, some of you have asked which states will be our nominating states. While no final decision has been made on this, we now have at least 7 states to choose from.

Finally, many reporters have asked us to release to them not just our Whip list, but also our full list of RNC members who are pledged to vote for Michael.

With no disrespect to the press, we of course will politely decline this request. As a former RNC member Michael feels strongly that this race is best waged member by member by member…and not in the press. Additionally, I would add the obvious point that releasing our full list of supporters in a 6 candidate field would be a strategic error.

Only 15 days left to victory!
Paid for by Michael Steele for RNC Chairman

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