Monday, October 06, 2008


Dear Friends,

Watch Dick's performance on Hannity and Colmes after the vice presidential debate. Dick and Alan Colmes get into a heated exchange.

Click the link below to access the video.

Go to to read all of Dick's columns!


Anonymous said...

Wait, Dick Morris is calling someone "brainless"?


Didn't he predict a bounce for McCain from the VP debate? In every poll, especially the conservative leaning GWU/Battleground, Obama has gained points - since 9/25, that went from +2 McCain to +7 Obama. Sarahcuda has no teeth.

McCain's campaign is pathetic. In the day where we need leadership, he's dredging up attacks everyone already knows about.

We're about to choke McCain on Charles Keating. And everyone's about to roll over on Palin in Troopergate.

McCain's not only going to lose, he's going to lose without honor.

Tony GOPrano said...

How can ANYONE with a screen name that comes from a Hanoi Jane Prostitute, be taken seriously. Keep it up Klute, still 29 days to go. When people go to the voting booth, they are NOT going to vote for your B. HUSSEIN Obama Bin Laden. McCain has more honor in his pinky than you or your Obama has in his whole body. Keep reading your polls Hanoi Jane!

Anonymous said...

One: It doesn't come from the movie. I suggest you wiki "The Klute".

Two: That's the best you've got?

Three: Again, no honor. "He's got an Arab name! I'd better dredge up people's fear because the only way we can win is to pit one American against another!". You should be very proud.

Virginia. North Carolina. Indiana. Omaha's electoral vote. All falling like dominoes.

If you hate polls, you're really going to hate Rasmussen in 15 minutes.