Friday, October 03, 2008

Tim Bee Statement on Bail-out Legislation

Press Release
Contact: Tom Dunn
October 3, 2008

Statement on today’s bail-out

When Congress had a chance to stand up and do the right things for the American people, they didn’t. The proposed bail-out couldn’t pass earlier this week. Ms. Giffords voted against it because she wanted “adequate taxpayer protections” and complained that the legislation was rushed.

Well, this new legislation epitomizes the systematic problems in Washington. Instead of addressing the crisis and passing sensible legislation that would protect the taxpayer and not bail-out Wall Street on the backs of Main Street, a broken Washington saw an opportunity.

Washington (and the incumbent) seized an opportunity to pile on the American taxpayer.

They added pork for wooden arrows, racetracks, rum, bicyclists, and Hollywood studios to name a few.

Our Congresswoman Giffords wouldn’t stand by and say “no!” to the pork. She added her own. I support the extension of the solar tax credits. These are tax credits that are important, but can pass on their own without bailing out Wall Street. Her vote to roll over taxpayers was bought with tax credits that a real leader would have
passed months ago as part of an all of the above energy package.

This bill should be about protecting our taxpayer, stabilizing our markets and strengthening our economy. It should not be about how much more pork barrel spending you can get away with.

Southern Arizonans deserve someone that will stand up for them and do the right things.

Paid for by Tim Bee for Congress

1 comment:

NMHIMA Message Board said...

Tim Bee is nothing but a Bobble-Head...

According to the Benson paper,
Giffords' Republican opponent Tim Bee criticized her rejection of the original bill last Monday, and then for approving Friday's bill with the solar energy stipulations."

Which is it Tim? (Bobble-head keeps nodding).

And then we have, at

"The voters of Arizona CD 8 are seeing the politically ineffective side to GOP Congressional candidate Tim Bee. The guy can not make up his mind….
Let me preface my remarks by saying that Tim is a really nice guy. In fact, his easy going niceness is part of his political problem. He has a terrible time making up his mind if doing so will offend someone. I learned this first hand while serving in the Senate with Tim. I learned quickly that you never could count on his support.

We were called into a special session by the governor. One issue we needed to address was something called Excess Utilities which helped school districts budget for and pay for utility expenses. I was trying to garner 16 votes to support the continuation of the program. Senator Bee should have been a pretty easy YES because some of his school dsitricts in LD 30 directly were impacted by the vote. As I recall, the Vail School district desperately needed Tim's vote.

I remember calling Tim at home the day before the vote. He assured me he was a YES. We had the necessary 16 votes. The only problem is the next day on the floor, Tim changed his vote to NO. He later told me that he did not know how to tell me he had changed his vote because Senate President Ken Bennett had put pressure on him. When I asked him about Vail, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Ken needed my vote." I guess the folks in Vail play second fiddle to the senate boss from Prescott.

Holy Cow! This guy caves in all the time. We sat next to one another on the Appropriations Committee. Numerous times, after he voted (in my opinion the wrong way), he would turn to me and whisper, "I wish I could have voted your way. You know you're right." After awhile I started to ignore him because of his lack of political backbone.

I now read that he is unsure how he stands on the Social Security issue. I also read that after putting Proposition 102 (the Marriage Amendment) on the ballot, he is unsure how he will vote. I am not surprised by either revelation that Bee is "unsure." The guy should be a social director at a country club, not a member of Congress. Hey, if you plan to visit DC and want to take a Capitol tour, vote for Bee! He will be great at Capitol tours"

I'm voting Giffords!