Tuesday, October 07, 2008

McCain Wins Debate

ARLINGTON, VA - McCain-Palin 2008 Communications Director Jill Hazelbaker issued the following statement on tonight's Presidential Debate:

"Tonight, John McCain won the debate. He was the only man who demonstrated he had the independence and strength to take on everything that's broken in Washington and on Wall Street. John McCain had a clear plan for improving the lives of Americans -- keeping them in their homes through his American Homeownership Resurgence Plan.

From Barack Obama, we heard half-truths and contradictions between what he says and what he has done. He said he supported offshore drilling but has opposed it for months. He talked about tax cuts but he voted for higher taxes 94 times and promises increased taxes on small businesses. He talked about reducing the size of government but has proposed hundreds of billions of dollars in new government spending.

Tonight, Barack Obama had an opportunity to level with the American people, but instead all we heard was more of the same."

NOTE: My take is that John McCain did well tonight, especially on the Economy. Obama showed he is NOT a leader. How many times did Obama say. "I agree with Senator McCain". That's a follower NOT A LEADER! Great Job Senator McCain. YOU DA MAN!


MCCAIN - 66% 172,217

OBAMA - 30% 77,577

NEITHER - 4% 11,038

Total Votes: 260,832

McCain 87%

Obama 11%

Neither 1%
Total Votes: 72,000

Note: One vote per phone number


Anonymous said...

Ah, Tony. I'll miss our repartee after the election is over.

Here's the part where you say that McCain won, ignoring snap polling and focus groups that say otherwise. Soon you'll quote BS non-scientific polls at Drudge and AOL that McCain won in rebuttal.

McCain will fail to make up ground in the polls, and I will laugh.

"That One." That's the cantankerous dismissive McCain that everyone will be talking about tomorrow.

McCain should try to replace himself with Palin in the last debate. After this snoozefest, I doubt many will be watching.

Tony GOPrano said...

Ah Klutey, I'm not going anywhere? When President John McCain is inaugurated on Jan 20, 2009, we will have 4 years to discuss him. Maybe B. Hussein Obama can get his job with Acorn back?

Anonymous said...

Just don't forget to send me a postcard from Alternate Universe Earth. Remember, there: green means stop, red means go.

Anonymous said...

There are the poll results.

No CNN, CBS, Survey USA?

You should really read Michelle Malkin tonight if you a larf.

Tony GOPrano said...

Klute I'd love to sit here and debate you, but Godfather PartIII is on, can't miss that. "Just when I thought I was out, THEY pull me back in"......the story of my life!