Saturday, October 04, 2008

Congressman JOHN SHADEGG: Watch My Debate This Sunday Morning

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Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for supporting me! With your help I know we're on our way to victory in a month's time.

I wanted to let you know that I'll be debating my opponent this Sunday morning on Sunday Square Off on Channel 12 at 8 a.m. after Meet the Press.

I hope you'll tune in.You can be sure that you'll hear my opponent parrot his Pelosi-approved talking points and go on the attack, but rest assured that the facts are on our side.

And it'll be a great opportunity for my opponent to finally start answering tough questions instead of hiding behind his Big Labor and trial lawyer-funded attack ads.

All of my career in Congress, you've trusted me to fight for you, even if it means bucking party leadership and the White House. Anyone who accuses me of toeing the party line just isn't paying attention.
So tune in Sunday and urge your friends and family to do the same.

Thanks for your support,



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