ABC News' George Stephanopoulos:
"These guys came to play on each other's turf. It was really surprising to me is that John McCain came in here with a disadvantage on the
economy. Barack Obama had a big advantage, yet I think he spent the 30 minutes very effectively pounding home the points that have to control spending and earmarks."(ABC News' "Vote 08: The Candidates Debate," 9/26/08)
Stephanopoulos: "I thought other interesting stylistic differences, John McCain, good on emotion, good on establishing emotional connections with his stories." (ABC News' "Vote 08: The Candidates Debate," 9/26/08)
MSNBC's Pat Buchanan: "John McCain clearly won this battle on points. He was aggressive all evening long. He was very tough. He constantly portrayed Barack directly and indirectly as sort of weak and indecisive and inconstant making these statements. He also had a most powerful, emotional moments. I think that Wolfsborough story and that 640 guys re-upping in Iraq, and that woman giving him that bracelet--I think those things reached the heart and the gut. I will say this about Barack Obama. He did what he had to do in the sense that he came off as a tough fellow, a counterpuncher who would stand up to John McCain, and I think he helped himself in that regard, but overall I really think John McCain came off as the winner of this debate, but I go directly to Chris' point." (MSNBC's "Presidential Debate," 9/26/08)
"Obama To McCain: You're 'Absolutely Right'" (Susan Davis, "Obama To McCain: You're 'Absolutely Right,'" The Wall Street Journal's "Washington Wire" Blog, blogs.wsj.com, 9/26/08)
CBS' Jeff Greenfield: "I also think that McCain in the section on foreign policy also gave a strong performance when he said we can't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory." (CBS News' "Campaign '08 Presidential Debate," 9/26/08)
NBC's Tom Brokaw: "That was the most distinctive difference obviously once we got into the area of national security. John McCain bored in on Barack Obama. He's been reading the same polls we all have. There are grave reservations in most of the polls about whether Barack Obama has enough experience and whether he's qualified to be commander in chief. And tonight Senator McCain went right after that vulnerability in Barack Obama." (NBC's "Presidential Debate Coverage," 9/26/08)
The New York Times' David Brooks: "I think McCain was sharp and experienced." (PBS' "Post-Debate Analysis," 9/26/08)
The Politico's Jeanne Cummings: "When we moved into foreign affairs, clearly john McCain hit his stride. It is his strength, and he showed, demonstrated that he is quite knowledgeable." (PBS' "Post-Debate Analysis," 9/26/08)
ABC News' Rick Klein: "9:12 pm CT: ... This is another area where McCain is in his comfort zone. He's having a long discussion on the preconditions line." (Rick Klein, "Live Debate Blog," ABC News, blogs.abcnews.com, 9/26/08)
Klein: "9:20 pm CT: Meaty discussion on Russia -- with lots and lots of Russian names for McCain to pronounce. If people care about this, McCain looks strong." (Rick Klein, "Live Debate Blog," ABC News, blogs.abcnews.com, 9/26/08)
MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell: "He [McCain] had a good night on the very issue of taxes and spending. He did seem to dominate the first 30 minutes." (MSNBC's "Presidential Debate," 9/26/08)
The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder: "10:19: McCain's strong on non-Iraq foreign policy issues." (Marc Ambinder, "The Debate: Liveblogging IV," The Atlantic's "Marc Ambinder" Blog, marcambinder.theatlantic.com, 9/26/08)
National Review Online's Jim Geraghty: "From where I sit, McCain had a surprisingly strong night." (Jim Geraghty, "A Surprisingly Strong Night For McCain, While Obama Energizes His Base," National Review Online's "The Campaign Spot" Blog, campaignspot.nationalreview.com, 9/26/08)
Geraghty: "But the overall message of the night was clear - McCain(Jim Geraghty, "A Surprisingly Strong Night For McCain, While Obama Energizes His Base," National Review Online's "The Campaign Spot" Blog, campaignspot.nationalreview.com, 9/26/08)
is smart, familiar with the issues on a striking level of detail, knows what he wants to do: 'I don't think I need any on the job training. I'm ready to go right now... I know how to deal with our adversaries, and I know how to deal with our friends.'"
This is the most carefully edited summary of reactions that I have seen since the debate. It gives the reader the impression that the consensus favored McCain. Anyone who looks at any source other than your blog is going to discover quickly that you are misleading them.
I made my best effort to be objective. YOU CAN READ IT HERE
Merge, First thanks for visiting PM. That is NOT an edited version of reactions to the debate. That came from the John McCain web site. I AM A PARTISAN, PRO-MCCAIN BLOGGER!!! Not misleading anyone. I read your Blog and I congratulate you on your success. My readers are here to get news on JOHN MCCAIN, soon-to-be the next President of the United States!
OK... point taken. I respect your forthright answer. I do have to point out then that the McCain campaign used a strong hand in editing the debate reaction. But that is only to be suspected. All campaigns do. My apologies for accusing you of being responsible for that.
Merge NO apology needed. We are all in the Blogging Brother/Sisterhood. I've been on the McCain Express for years. I take heat here in AZ from the McCain Haters, a group of morons that I love to blast 24/7/365! Your comments are a breath of fresh air. Continued success!!!
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