To: Shadegg Insiders and Friends
From: John Shadegg
Re: Lord Attack Ad
As you might expect the Lord campaign attack ad now running is false and deceptive. Please take a few minutes and read the message below:
I need your help in refuting the false claims my "" Democrat opponent is making. Yesterday, he began airing
the first of many attack ads. I want you to know the truth
behind the deceitful claims in this ad and I need you to tell your friends the real facts. We don't have enough money to run a television ad refuting each of the falsehoods he has already spread, much less the false claims he will likely make between now and election day. That's why I need your help in spreading the truth.
Here are the real facts behind his new cheap shot attack ad--please tell your friends.
First: I have never said "Washington changed me."
Perhaps more than anyone in the entire Congress, Washington hasn't changed me. I lost not one, but two, leadership races precisely because I refused to be a go along to get along Congressman! I have never stopped fighting for the strong conservative philosophy you and I share. The fights I have led (most recently on energy when Speaker Pelosi turned off the lights and microphones), my voting record and my ratings by the various conservative groups (Citizens Against Government Waste - 98%, Americans for Tax Reform - 100%, Club for Growth - 100%, American Conservative Union - 100%, Non Commissioned Officers Association - 92%) prove this point.
Washington, regrettably, has changed too many of my colleagues, but it hasn't changed me and it never will. Mr. Lord and his paid leftist political consultants know I never said "Washington changed me."
His ad is deceit, plain and simple. It's false and he knows it. He can't win on the truth so he's running on distortions and half-truths. I have said, candidly and truthfully, when Republicans began spending like Democrats and when we allowed corrupt members to damage our reputation, that Washington changed "us" referring to those Republicans who stopped fighting for what we ran on. As a Party, its no secret that we lost our way.
Heck, John McCain said the same thing, using the exact same words, in his speech last night. Washington did change too many Republicans. But not John McCain. And not me!
Bob Lord is cynically trying to deceive the people of Arizona, plain and simple. And, I need your help to stop him.
Second: I have consistently supported our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
I have voted to support our troops throughout my entire political career. I have voted for pay raises for our soldiers at least twelve separate times and increased health care benefits for our soldiers, time after time after time. Mr. Lord's deceptive ad saying I opposed "health care and bonuses for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan" is flat wrong. The specific vote he cites was an amendment to an Iraq funding bill in 2003.
It was a part of an effort by the Democrats to cut the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund by over a billion dollars.
Republicans opposed this amendment because gutting
reconstruction funds as the Democrats wanted to do was intended to and would have seriously hurt our effort to win the support of the Iraqi people and win the war. In fact Arizona's own Congressman Jim Kolbe, the Chairman of the subcommittee, and even the Democrat ranking member, Jack Murtha, opposed this amendment.
Throughout my career in Congress, I have voted for every National Defense Authorization Act that contained a pay raise for our men and women in uniform, including this year when I voted in favor of a 3.5% increase in basic pay and an increase in hardship duty pay from $750 to $1,500 per month.
It's shameful that Bob Lord is using our soldiers to score cheap political points.
In his effort to deceive Arizona voters Mr. Lord cherry picked the vote to misrepresent my record. Again Mr. Lord can't run on the truth. He has to rely on deceit.
Third: Pay raise half-truths
Lord's attack ad says I have "vote[d] [my]self nine pay raises." In fact I have voted against congressional pay raises eleven times. Moreover, I have never voted for a pay raise for myself. The votes Lord's ad cites were procedural votes to "block" automatic pay increases under a law passed by the Congress before I was even elected. Again, Mr. Lord and his attack dogs, know the truth. They just choose to ignore it and will say or do anything to attack me, defeat me, defeat you and defeat freedom!
You deserve to know the real facts.
You deserve to know the deceit and corrupt tactics our opponents will use to beat us and gain power. Please tell your friends. Let them know the facts behind Mr. Lord's false claims and unbounded ambition. Please forward this e-mail to everyone on your personal e-mail list. We can't wait. We can't sit still. Please send it today! And, tell everyone else you know, your family, friends, and coworkers what's really behind Lord's false claims. Your help right now in getting the word out is critically important. Thank you very much.
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