CLANCY JAYNE, former LD-6 Legislator and Radio Talk Show Host, was elected last night as the 1st Justice of the Peace in the brand new Desert Ridge Precinct!
Jayne, who when in the State Legislature was the one who got the widening project on the I-17 fastracked from 2020 to 2007, defeated two opponents in last night's election.
Clancy Jayne made this statement after the election:
"To our many friends and supporters.
No single person has benefited from so many than myself.
We have been out spent 3 to 1.
This huge effort was over come with volunteers.
Sign re-use saved us over $15,000.00 so everyone who has contributed in the past had a part in this win.
Second 10,000 door hangers where carried by supporters with no pay and resulted in votes in this Win.
Signatures alone was the result of 30 people gathering signatures in one day.
Phoenix calls and our Web Site again where achieved with volunteers.
Our mailers where very effective and again allowed out big win in the early voter battle.
Welcome any communication and as always will respond.
Call with questions or concerns anytime.
Thanks again to our many friends and supporters."
Clancy Jayne
Congratulations to Clancy and his family! He will make an excellent Justice of the Peace!
High Five Clancy!
Congratulations, and a big slice of raisin pie to all of the hard working people behind a man of great stature.
From the GOP National Convention in St. Paul our heartfelt congratulation to Clancy, his family and his hard working supporters, with great admiration
Horst & Gigi Kraus
Judge Jayne.........that sounds really good!!
Congratulations to a deserving Deer Valley neighbor.
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