Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Arizona African American Republican Club Endorses TONY BOUIE

AAARC Chairman Clyde Bowen and LD-6 Candidate Tony Bouie


Anonymous said...

That is great News. I'll congratulate Tony later. Right now I'll rush some smelling salt over to the Seeing Red Crowd, their posters all must be gasping for air, both of them.
Is she still living in the Monte Cristo precinct?
Oh, never mind I'll find it. I was there once for an Andy Thomas fund raiser.

Tony GOPrano said...

How many showers did you have to take after attending that event? The Peeing Red Racist Deadbeat Society is a small but vocal group of idiots that think they control the AZ Republican Party!

Anonymous said...

an I quote a Seel supporter, "August 1, 2008 at 11:41 am This is a bold move given that they didn’t endorse Tony Bouie, who is a black candidate. It really shows the integrity of Chairman Bowen and his Republican organization. It’s clear they haven’t been duped by a guy who is a five-day Republican, switching from his longtime Democrat registration just days before filing documents in order to run from a GOP district.

Leslie Says:

i guess Leslie has it all wrong..as unsual

Anonymous said...

what about Sidelinder who stated this on www.seeingredaz.com?

He (Chairman Bowen) understands the meaning of the GOP platform. It is a pleasure to have a group of this caliber representing the AZ GOP. These are praiseworthy, though likely not easily made, endorsements.

They are right. These endorsments are not easy to come by. Congrats AGAIN Tony!

Anonymous said...

I am proud of Tony for getting so many endorsements. It seems like he gets at least one or two a day.