McCain quips about presidential bids by Arizonans
Associated Press Writer
(Photo Courtesy of Carolyn Kaster - AP)
John McCain says he intends to reverse a trend that other politicians from Arizona have faced in running for president.
The four Arizonans who have made presidential bids -- Sen. Barry Goldwater in 1964, Rep. Morris K. Udall in 1976, former Gov. Bruce Babbitt in 1988 and McCain in 2000 -- either lost in the general election or never won their party nominations.
"Arizona may be the only state in America where mothers don't tell their children that some day they can grow up and be president," McCain quipped Sunday.
After attending a service at a Baptist church in north Phoenix, the Arizona senator and his wife Cindy went to the Southwest regional McCain campaign headquarters to thank a crowd of more than 100 supporters and volunteers, some of whom have been involved in his early political races.
The Republican presidential hopeful said he feels confident about his prospects of winning his home state, but that his campaign will have to work hard to try to win battleground states in the Southwest, such as Nevada, New Mexico and California.
Udall and Babbitt ran as Democrats, Goldwater as a Republican.
McCain said he relished his role as the underdog in the race and harkened back to his first and closest political race, a U.S. House campaign in 1982 in which the then-little-known McCain beat a slate of established politicians and civic leaders.
"I do best when I'm the underdog," McCain said. "Some you may remember our first House race."
McCain said he was counting on volunteers as he has in the past to help energize his voting base so they'll support him on election day.
After his remarks, as McCain worked his way through the crowd and shook hands, supporters chanted: "Mac is back."
I think it's awesome that McCain is spending so much time in Phoenix.
He's gonna need it too, considering the latest poll had Obama 3 points in Arizona.
That's right Johnny McFlip-Flop, fritter away resources here in Arizona, while we scoop up Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico. Wheee!
Klute that Zogby poll is a total joke. Internet Polls are NOT accurate. Zogby used to be the best pollster; those days are long over. Ever since they went to these Internet polls, the accuracy is gone. I can hardly wait until President John McCain is elected on November 4th. You Liberals will be pissing in your pants! Some "so-called" Conservatives too...LOL!
Oh, very well, let's look at a pollster you've quoted. From Rasmussen Reports front page:
Minnesota: Obama’s lead over McCain climbs to 18%
(Hey, great place to have a convention, GOP!)
Michigan: Obama’s Lead Grows to 8%
(Better get Romney on speed dial)
Iowa: Obama takes 10% lead over McCain
(whoops! there goes a Red State!)
South Dakota: McCain Leads Obama by Just Four Points
(Wow! Plus he's even in North Dakota and Obama leads in Montana)
And just think what'll happen in Arizona if Obama names Napolitano veep!
Please, Please make Jack Napolitano Your VP choice. Good Riddens! Jack would have to resign to run and we would be rid of her once and for all. As for the Rasmussen Poll, you better be careful Klute. John McCain & BHO are DEAD EVEN
according to the latest Daily Rasmussen Poll. RUN JACK RUN!!!
And just like that, it's gone!
Obama up 2 points in Rasmussen, up a whopping 9 pts in the new Quinnipac, and just for laffs, Al Franken finally takes the lead in Minnesota.
President Obama. Senator Franken. Vice-President Napolitano?
Man, your world's going to be a world of suck.
Klute I suggest you switch CRACK deakers as you have gotten some bad stuff! The more people learn about Barack Hussein Obama, the more they are scared of this guy. Many dems will NOT vote for him. My wife, who is a dem, talks to many of her friends, many dems, EVERY ONE of them has a problem with BHO and his lack of experience and are ALL voting for John McCain! As my world goes Klute, YOU wish you had my life. It's got to be miserable for you being a Liberal; I almost feel sorry for you....
Huh, well, most of my friends and co-workers are dems and independents, and I don't know anyone who's voting McCain - and I've got a fair amount of friends and co-workers.
So... I guess we'll just have to break the ties with the polls. And... Oh yeah, Obama's winning. In fact, McCain hasn't led in a poll since May 3rd. And if you look to the widget on your blog, Obama's got a commanding lead in electoral votes - but I'm sure someone you know has a lot of friends in the electoral college and none of them are voting for Obama.
And as for my life, I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's, least of all a conservative life.
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