July 6, 2008
Article Excerpt
Sen. John McCain should be the next president of the United States. He is wrong on many issues - global warming, campaign finance-reform and immigration (to name a few). But on the central challenges of our time, he has demonstrated the judgment and courage necessary to be the leader of the Free World. In comparison to his Democratic rival for the White House, Sen. Barack Obama, the Republican maverick is clearly the better man - and the better candidate.
Iraq has dominated our politics since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. Mr. McCain consistently supported a strategy for victory. President Bush's mistake was not in waging war; rather, he failed to formulate a policy that would simultaneously achieve our political and military goals. As the insurgency intensified and the American body count increased, antiwar Democrats and even some in Mr. Bush's inner circle (such as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice) called for a troop withdrawal.
In the face of this defeatist sentiment, Mr. McCain led the charge to bolster our military presence. He rightly argued that the key to success was to launch an effective counter-insurgency. The goal: cripple al Qaeda and the forces still loyal to former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Pacification, combined with a rejuvenated Iraqi army, would establish security and stability - the basic preconditions for a viable democratic society to take root.
The troop surge has been a huge success. It resurrected Mr. McCain's candidacy, which pundits (including myself) claimed was dead during the Republican primaries. The United States is now on the verge of a historic victory.
If the terrorists are defeated and Iraq becomes a self-governing democracy, the Arab world will be transformed. Iraq is the Germany or Japan of the Middle East - the strategic linchpin to wider reform. Its oil wealth, geographical location, rich cultural heritage and multiethnic, multi-religious character make it a potential model for the region. Its success will inspire people in other sclerotic, authoritarian Arab states - Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria - to embrace political and economic modernization.
A democratic Iraq will form the heart of a new Middle East - one that provides a real alternative to the nihilism of radical Islam. A McCain triumph in November will represent a decisive step toward defeating Islamofascism.
More important than Iraq, however, is the issue of abortion.
It is the seminal moral question of our time: Do innocent unborn babies have rights - especially the most precious and fundamental of all, the right to life. Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, nearly 50 million babies have been killed.
Abortion is state-sanctioned infanticide. Roe v. Wade codified the pernicious principle that an entire class of human beings - unborn children - are less than fully human, and therefore not entitled to equal rights under the law. Just as slavery classified blacks as chattel or the Nazis decreed Jews as "subhuman," the liberal regime asserts that fetuses can be discarded in the womb.
Please click here to read the entire article.
Thanks for posting th article. It is a sound explanation for why conservatives should stop complaining and start working to elect John McCain. As Kuhner states quite clearly, McCain is pro-life and Obama supports infanticide.
For those Politico Mafioso readers who don't know him, John Jakubczyk has long led the battle in Arizona on Right To Life issues. John J. Jakubczyk served as President of Arizona Right to Life, Arizona's largest, oldest and strongest pro-life organization for the past seven years and has been active in the Pro-life movement for over 32 years. Currently he serves on the board of AZRTL. He is an attorney in private practice, active in his church, married , the father of 11 children, and now a proud grandfather.
Thank You Sir for your eloguent comments!
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