Thursday, June 05, 2008

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Governor Mitt Romney On CNN's "American Morning"

"Diplomatic channels are always open between nations of the world. But the President doesn't grace the world's worst tyrants with a propaganda bonanza." -- Governor Romney

CNN's "American Morning"June 5, 2008

CNN'S JOHN ROBERTS: "So, [Obama's] saying that this is not a frivolous meeting. This would only be done if he felt he could advance American interests."

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "You know, he's going to do his very best to try to walk back from what he said at the Democratic debate; and, in the Democratic debates the other candidates made it very clear they would not sit down with Ahmadinejad, himself, or with Assad, or Kim Jung-Il, or Castro, without condition. And, Barack Obama said he would sit down with them in his first year. He would meet with them without condition. A statement like that shows a naive lack of experience that I think is going to haunt him throughout this campaign. It's the wrong course for him to have set.

"He said he would meet personally with Ahmadinejad, with Assad, Kim Jung-Il, with Hugo Chavez, with Castro. That's simply the wrong course for American foreign policy. You only meet with those people when there have been conditions met and when there's been progress. Of course, you talk diplomatically. Diplomatic channels are always open between nations of the world. But the President doesn't grace the world's worst tyrants with a propaganda bonanza."

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