McCain's "Sweeping Economic Speech":
The Associated Press: McCain Delivers A "Sweeping Economic Speech." "'We know from experience that no serious reform of the current tax code will come out of Congress, so now it is time to turn the decision over to the people,' McCain said in a sweeping economic speech at Carnegie Mellon University a week before Pennsylvania's primaries." (Liz Sidoti, "McCain Proposes Break In Gas Taxes," The Associated Press, 4/15/08)
The Boston Globe: McCain "Laid Out A Broad Economic Plan." "Senator John McCain laid out a broad economic plan yesterday calling for more than $200 billion in new tax cuts for businesses and families, including a three-month 'holiday' this summer from the 18.4-cent-per-gallon federal tax on gasoline." (Brian C. Mooney, "McCain Calls For Summer Holiday From Gas Tax," The Boston Globe, 4/16/08)
Reuters: McCain Offers "Wide-Ranging Plan To Help The Ailing U.S. Economy." "Republican presidential hopeful John McCain on Tuesday called for a summer gas tax holiday for Americans wincing at high pump prices as part of a wide-ranging plan to help the ailing U.S. economy." (Steve Holland, "McCain Proposes Tax Cuts And Lashes Democrats," Reuters, 4/15/08)
Los Angeles Times: McCain "Outlined His Agenda For Reviving The Nation's Troubled Economy." "Sen. John McCain on Tuesday outlined his agenda for reviving the nation's troubled economy with a mix of tax and spending cuts, starting with a summerlong suspension of federal gasoline taxes to ease the pain of soaring fuel prices." (Michael Finnegan, "McCain Proposes Gas Tax Suspension," Los Angeles Times, 4/16/08)
The Wall Street Journal: "Many Of The Policies He Proposed Are Laudable ..." "John McCain gave his big economic speech in Pittsburgh Tuesday, and many of the policies he proposed are laudable -- the highlight being an optional flat tax for individuals." (Editorial, "McCain-omics," The Wall Street Journal, 4/16/08)
CNNMoney.com: McCain's "Most Wide-Ranging Speech On The Economy." "In his most wide-ranging speech on the economy, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain on Tuesday laid out an agenda that would change the tax code, freeze discretionary spending and temporarily suspend federal gas taxes." (Jeanne Sahadi, "McCain: Suspend Gas Tax, Freeze Spending," CNNMoney.com, 4/15/08)
Club For Growth President Pat Toomey: "Senator McCain Deserves A Lot Of Credit ..." "Senator McCain deserves a lot of credit for many of the policies and positions he spoke about today. His support for free trade and his consistent support for cutting government spending are welcome respites from the economically debilitating populism we are accustomed to hearing from the Democratic candidates." (Club For Growth, "Club For Growth PAC Statement On McCain's Economic Speech," Press Release, 4/15/08)
Investor's Business Daily: "McCain's Ideas Would Actually Work." "And unlike Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who have offered up an economy-killing mix of higher taxes and oil-company bashing as a solution to our problems, McCain's ideas would actually work. And they could be done right now." (Editorial, "Energy Relief Now," Investor's Business Daily, 4/15/08)
· Rocky Mountain News: "His Agenda Would Support Entrepreneurship And Economic Opportunity." "Sen. John McCain put some distance between his economic vision and that of his Democratic rivals in a speech he gave Tuesday in Pittsburgh. For the most part, his agenda would support entrepreneurship and economic opportunity." (Editorial, "McCain's Tax Gimmick," Rocky Mountain News, 4/16/08)
· U.S. News & World Report's James Pethokoukis: McCain Provided "A Vivid Contrast With His Democratic Rivals." "Overall, the speech puts McCain on the board with a detailed economic plan and provides a vivid contrast with this Democratic rivals. Definitely a choice rather than an echo." (James Pethokoukis, "McCain's Speech Shows He's A Pro-Growth Populist, Like Reagan," U.S. News & World Report, 4/15/08)
National Review's Jim Geraghty: "If You're A Fiscal Conservative ... It Should Have You Doing Cartwheels..." "In the car a little while ago, I was listening to McCain deliver his big economic speech. If you're a fiscal conservative, you ought to take a look; it should have you doing cartwheels..." (Jim Geraghty, "McCain: Democrats Will Raise Taxes, And 'Have The Audacity To Hope You Don't Mind,'" National Review's "Campaign Spot" Blog, 4/15/08)
McCain Economic Plan Provides Immediate Help To Americans:
The Associated Press: McCain "Proposals Aimed At Stemming The Public's Pain Now From The Troubled Economy." "John McCain called Tuesday for the federal government to free people from paying gasoline taxes this summer and ensure that college students can secure loans this fall, proposals aimed at stemming the public's pain now from the troubled economy." (Liz Sidoti, "McCain Proposes Break In Gas Taxes," The Associated Press, 4/15/08)
Bloomberg: McCain "Aimed Much Of His Message At Middle-Class Families." "The presumptive Republican presidential nominee aimed much of his message at middle-class families, saying he would urge the government to adopt a three-month suspension of federal gasoline taxes, double the tax exemption for dependents to $7,000 from $3,500 to reflect the rising cost of raising children and ensure that states loans amid the lending crisis." (Matthew Benjamin And Indira Lakshmanan, "McCain Seeks New Tax Cuts, Spending Curbs To Lift U.S. Economy," Bloomberg, 4/15/08)
McClatchy: McCain's "Initiatives Aimed At The Politically Potent Middle Class." "John McCain on Tuesday unveiled a slew of economic initiatives aimed at the politically potent middle class, including targeted tax cuts, more accessible student loans and a temporary lifting of the federal gasoline tax over the summer months." (Kevin G. Hall And Matt Stearns, "McCain Says Middle Class Aid Is Needed," McClatchy Newspapers, 4/16/08)
Rocky Mountain News: Increased Personal Exemption "Would Provide Genuine Relief To Millions Of Families." "On the populist side, the senator called for doubling the income tax exemption for dependent children from $3,500 to $7,000. This would provide genuine relief to millions of families during the child-rearing years, when they typically face the greatest financial obligations." (Editorial, "McCain's Tax Gimmick," Rocky Mountain News, 4/16/08)
Gas Tax Holiday Will "Ease The Pain":
Investor's Business Daily: "John McCain Has Come Up With A Couple Of Good Ideas To Ease The Pain Of The Energy Crisis." "As Democrats bicker over campaign-trail trivia, GOP standard-bearer John McCain has come up with a couple of good ideas to ease the pain of the energy crisis." (Editorial, "Energy Relief Now," Investor's Business Daily, 4/15/08)
· Investor's Business Daily: "The Tax Holiday Is A Slam Dunk." (Editorial, "Energy Relief Now," Investor's Business Daily, 4/15/08)
· Republican Consultant Scott Reed: "The Gas-Tax Holiday Is A New Idea And Has A Strong 'Wow' Factor. ... And It's Consistent With Lowering Taxes On Hardworking Families." (Tom Raum, "McCain's Economic Plan Samples For Dems And GOP," The Associated Press, 4/16/08)
The Chicago Tribune: Gas Tax Holiday "Most Direct Proposal For Relief To Working-Class Voters." "His most direct proposal for relief to working-class voters was a call for a suspension of the federal gasoline tax for the summer's driving season." (James Oliphant And Christi Parsons, "McCain Floats Summer Gas Tax Cut To Rev Economy," The Chicago Tribune, 4/16/08)
Philadelphia Inquirer: Gas Tax Holiday "To Force Down Fuel Prices And Pump Money Into The Economy." "Sen. John McCain called yesterday for the federal government to suspend gasoline taxes from Memorial Day to Labor Day this year to force down fuel prices and pump money into the economy." (Tom Infield, "McCain Proposes A Gas-Tax 'Holiday'," Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/16/08)
Reuters: Gas Tax Holiday "Of Most Immediate Effect To Consumers." "Of most immediate effect to consumers was his appeal to the U.S. Congress to suspend the 18.4 cent federal gas tax and 24.4 cent diesel tax from Memorial Day at the end of May to Labor Day in early September." (Steve Holland, "McCain Proposes Tax Cuts And Lashes Democrats," Reuters, 4/15/08)
Fox News' Carl Cameron: "It's Not A Presidential Proposal Because Obviously He Wants To Do It Now..." "But this is a legislative proposal. His Senate staff is working on the language, and they'll take it up in the Congress sometime in the weeks ahead. It's not a presidential proposal because obviously he wants to do it now, not when he takes office more than five months or seven months from now." (Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume," 4/15/08)
Fox News' Bill Hemmer: "Well, McCain Wants To Put Some More Change In Your Pocket With That Summer Tax Breaks." (Fox News' "America's Election Headquarters," 4/15/08)
USA Today: "A USA TODAY Analysis Showed That McCain's Gas-Tax Proposal Could Save Motorists $6.8 Billion In Taxes During The Summer." (Kathy Kiely, "Gas-Tax Holiday Among McCain's Plans For Economy," USA Today, 4/16/08)
· The Boston Globe: "In Massachusetts, It Would Amount To A 6 Percent Discount At The Pump With The Current Price At $3.22 A Gallon." (Brian C. Mooney, "McCain Calls For Summer Holiday From Gas Tax," The Boston Globe, 4/16/08)
The Heritage Foundation: Gas Tax Holiday "A Good Next Step To Help Families Now With Rising Energy Prices." "In addition to his previously announced pro-growth policies of cutting the corporate tax rate from 35 to 25 percent, and phasing out the Alternative Minimum Tax completely, Senator McCain announced a good next step to help families now with rising energy prices: Suspending the federal gas tax from Memorial Day to Labor Day." ("Growth Better Than Redistribution," The Heritage Foundation's "The Foundry" Blog, 4/15/08)
McCain Economic Plan Promotes Change In The Economy:
CBS: McCain "To Go After Concentrations Of Power That Are No Longer Accountable Or Transparent To The People." "McCain's philosophy is to go after concentrations of power that are no longer accountable or transparent to the people. His aides say everyone is on notice as he calls for a halt in government spending. ... In the interest of transparency and accountability, he will also propose posting all reports associated with each agency's review and activity on the internet for taxpayers to review." (Andante Higgins, "McCain Adds To Economic Plan," CBS' "From The Road" Blog, 4/15/08)
Los Angeles Times: "Thrust Of McCain's Approach Would Be To Limit The Size Of The Government." "The thrust of McCain's approach would be to limit the size of the government, though the presumptive Republican nominee also recently proposed rescuing as many as 400,000 homeowners facing the threat of foreclosure." (Michael Finnegan, "McCain Proposes Gas Tax Suspension," Los Angeles Times, 4/16/08)
· U.S. News & World Report's James Pethokoukis: McCain Has A "Comprehensive Approach To Tackling High Government Spending." "McCain's proposal for a one-year spending freeze on nondefense discretionary spending creates a more comprehensive approach to tackling high government spending that goes beyond earmarks." (James Pethokoukis, "McCain's Speech Shows He's A Pro-Growth Populist, Like Reagan," U.S. News & World Report, 4/15/08)
· The Wall Street Journal: "This Attack On Spending Is Credible Given Mr. McCain's Voting Record." "This attack on spending is credible given Mr. McCain's voting record, and it will serve as a contrast with either Democratic candidate, who will be promising vast new spending programs." (Editorial, "McCain-omics," The Wall Street Journal, 4/16/08)
Praise For The Tax Policies In The McCain Economic Plan:
USA Today: McCain "Proposed Sweeping Tax Cuts To Jump-Start The Economy." "Presidential candidate John McCain on Tuesday proposed sweeping tax cuts to jump-start the economy, including a summer-long gas-tax holiday starting Memorial Day." (Kathy Kiely, "Gas-Tax Holiday Among McCain's Plans For Economy," USA Today, 4/16/08)
Club For Growth President Pat Toomey: "Particularly Noteworthy Are McCain's Tax Policies." "Particularly noteworthy are McCain's tax policies. Not only did he take the Democrats to task for supporting a record tax increase, he went further, proposing a cut in the corporate tax from 35% to 25%; first-year expensing of new equipment and technology; and an optional flat tax. If implemented, these measures will stimulate strong economic growth in this country, making American businesses more competitive and reducing the inefficiency and waste that result from the current tax code." (Club For Growth, "Club For Growth PAC Statement On McCain's Economic Speech," Press Release, 4/15/08)
Rocky Mountain News: McCain Tax Policy "Friendlier To Economic Dynamism Than The Talk Coming From His Democratic Counterparts." "For the moment at least, the Arizona Republican's approach to tax policy appears friendlier to economic dynamism than the talk coming from his Democratic counterparts. That promises voters a genuine choice in November." (Editorial, "McCain's Tax Gimmick," Rocky Mountain News, 4/16/08)
The Wall Street Journal: McCain "Spoke Out Strongly For Tax Reform." "On the pro-growth side, he spoke out strongly for tax reform and endorsed the specific idea of an optional flat tax. ... Tax reform is precisely the kind of big domestic proposal that will let him plausibly campaign as the real agent of 'change.' And by making it optional, he can deflect Democratic claims that he'll rob Americans of their tax deductions." (Editorial, "McCain-omics," The Wall Street Journal, 4/16/08)
In The Headlines:
The Associated Press: "McCain Proposes Break In Gas Taxes" (Liz Sidoti, "McCain Proposes Break In Gas Taxes," The Associated Press, 4/15/08)
Bloomberg: "McCain Seeks New Tax Cuts, Spending Curbs To Lift U.S. Economy" (Matthew Benjamin And Indira Lakshmanan, "McCain Seeks New Tax Cuts, Spending Curbs To Lift U.S. Economy," Bloomberg, 4/15/08)
The Boston Globe: "McCain Calls For Summer Holiday From Gas Tax" (Brian C. Mooney, "McCain Calls For Summer Holiday From Gas Tax," The Boston Globe, 4/16/08)
The Chicago Tribune: "McCain Floats Summer Gas Tax Cut To Rev Economy" (James Oliphant And Christi Parsons, "McCain Floats Summer Gas Tax Cut To Rev Economy," The Chicago Tribune, 4/16/08)
CNNMoney.com: "McCain: Suspend Gas Tax, Freeze Spending"(Jeanne Sahadi, "McCain: Suspend Gas Tax, Freeze Spending," CNNMoney.com, 4/15/08)
CQ Politics: "McCain Pledges Action On Entitlements"(John Reichard, "McCain Pledges Action On Entitlements," CQ Politics, 4/15/08)
The Hill: "McCain Wants To Temporarily Cut Gas Tax" (Klaus Marre, "McCain Wants To Temporarily Cut Gas Tax," The Hill, 4/15/08)
Investor's Business Daily Editorial: "Energy Relief Now" (Editorial, "Energy Relief Now," Investor's Business Daily, 4/15/08)
Investor's Business Daily Editorial: "Tax Cutter McCain" (Editorial, "Tax Cutter McCain," Investor's Business Daily, 4/15/08)
Los Angeles Times: "McCain Proposes Gas Tax Suspension" (Michael Finnegan, "McCain Proposes Gas Tax Suspension," Los Angeles Times, 4/16/08)
McClatchy: "McCain Says Middle Class Aid Is Needed" (Kevin G. Hall And Matt Stearns, "McCain Says Middle Class Aid Is Needed," McClatchy Newspapers, 4/16/08)
Philadelphia Inquirer: "McCain Proposes A Gas-Tax 'Holiday'"(Tom Infield, "McCain Proposes A Gas-Tax 'Holiday'," Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/16/08)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "McCain Calls For Cuts In Corporate, Individual Taxes"(Mackenzie Carpenter, "McCain Calls For Cuts In Corporate, Individual Taxes," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4/16/08)
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "McCain To Lay Out Economic Reforms" (Mike Wereschagin, "McCain To Lay Out Economic Reforms," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 4/15/08)
Reuters: "McCain Proposes Tax Cuts And Lashes Democrats" (Steve Holland, "McCain Proposes Tax Cuts And Lashes Democrats," Reuters, 4/15/08)
USA Today: "Gas-Tax Holiday Among McCain's Plans For Economy" (Kathy Kiely, "Gas-Tax Holiday Among McCain's Plans For Economy," USA Today, 4/16/08)
1 comment:
I am very impressed. I will hold him at his word.
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