Monday, April 21, 2008

What Bloggers Are Saying About The Washington Post “Temper” Piece

Seems that Washington Post 'writer' Michael Leahy has written a "hit piece" on John McCain.

“McCain ought to send a thank-you to Michael Leahy. There's nothing like a wave of agenda journalism attacks on the GOP
nominee to rally conservatives to him.”

-Hugh Hewitt

RED STATE: Is there really a story here, much less a front page story? And if not, what does it tell us about the Washington Post? … Friends, that's what we have. Another navel gazing story by a media that
loves Barack Obama. CLICK HERE to Read the Story.....

HUGH HEWITT: Perhaps the ongoing meltdown in the Democratic Party has demoralized the partisans inside the Post, or perhaps it is a just a very slow news cycle for reporters assigned to cover John McCain. … But Michael Leahy's page 1 "McCain: A Question of Temperament" is going to be an exhibit in the museum of media bias and agenda journalism for a long time
CLICK HERE to Read the Story...

MATT LEWIS: [T]his story -- about John McCain's temper -- ran on the front page of today's Washington Post. … The WaPost ran Senator Obama’s "bitter" remarks on page A4 -- and that was actually relevant news.) CLICK HERE to Read the Story....

NRO’S THE CORNER: McCain aide Mark Salter wrote in, and I thought his account provided ample reasons for doubting the Washington Post's story CLICK HERE to Read the Story...

NEWSBUSTERS: While Democrats often complain that Travel Office firings or cattle-futures bonanzas or old church sermons or old illegal drug use aren't relevant issues to a presidential campaign, The Washington Post splashed across its Sunday front page today a 1992 squabble on Vietnam policy between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Charles Grassley to illustrate how some feel McCain's "volcanic temper" is "disqualifying" for the presidency … The issue particularly persists for media outlets that don't want the ongoing Democratic primary fight to hurt Democrats too much CLICK HERE to Read the Story.....

Why don't you let Mr. Leahy know how you feel? CLICK HERE to send him "Greetings"!

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