“Surely McCain Critics Can Do Better”
Kathryn Lopez, NRO
TOWNHALL’S MATT LEWIS: This is the second incident in less than a week where we have seen an Obama surrogate -- not just questioning Sen. McCain's ideas -- but directly attacking his character, integrity, and war experience. Is this a pattern we should get used to?
Kathryn Lopez, NRO
TOWNHALL’S MATT LEWIS: This is the second incident in less than a week where we have seen an Obama surrogate -- not just questioning Sen. McCain's ideas -- but directly attacking his character, integrity, and war experience. Is this a pattern we should get used to?
WEEKLY STANDARD’S MICHAEL GOLDFARB: Rockefeller, who is one year younger than McCain, probably wouldn't know this since he was enjoying the privileges of his station when McCain was bombing Vietnamese with abandon, but the laser-guided munition did not come into service until after McCain became a prisoner of war. … And of course, McCain was engaged in low-level attack on a heavily defended power plant in Hanoi when he was shot down. Rather than dropping bombs from the relative safety of 35,000 feet, McCain and his comrades were willing to put their lives at great risk in order to hit specific, high-value targets without the assistance of guided munitions. Though I'm sure Rockefeller, with his billion dollar trust fund, is infinitely more sensitive to the "human issues" of the average American than John McCain.
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HOT AIR’S ED MORRISSEY: If this sounds familiar to you, it should; it’s basically what the North Vietnamese said about McCain while they tortured him in the POW camps. It indicts everyone in the Air Force whose job it is to drop laser-guided missiles now in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Rockefeller also sounds an awful lot like Barack Obama, who claimed that the entire strategy in Afghanistan consisted of “just air raiding villages and killing civilians”.
HOT AIR’S ED MORRISSEY: If this sounds familiar to you, it should; it’s basically what the North Vietnamese said about McCain while they tortured him in the POW camps. It indicts everyone in the Air Force whose job it is to drop laser-guided missiles now in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Rockefeller also sounds an awful lot like Barack Obama, who claimed that the entire strategy in Afghanistan consisted of “just air raiding villages and killing civilians”.
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NRO’S THE CORNER: “Wow. We have military pilots flying overseas right now protecting troops—and civilians—on the ground. Do these dem Senators really believe that what they’re doing is inhumane? This is really outrageous. Makes my heart hurt. Makes this out-of-shape veteran want to suit up.”
NRO’S THE CORNER: “Wow. We have military pilots flying overseas right now protecting troops—and civilians—on the ground. Do these dem Senators really believe that what they’re doing is inhumane? This is really outrageous. Makes my heart hurt. Makes this out-of-shape veteran want to suit up.”
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REDSTATE.COM: Paveways weren't used in Vietnam until 1968. At which point Senator McCain had already been a POW for a year - and might I add, Senator Rockefeller, that it is the action of a partisan buffoon to call someone who has been tortured for half a decade for putting on America's uniform ignorant of the consequences of his actions. Believe me, vile men with clubs made sure that McCain knew - and while I don't expect better from your chosen candidate, Senator (he's obviously made his choice), I did expect better from you.
REDSTATE.COM: Paveways weren't used in Vietnam until 1968. At which point Senator McCain had already been a POW for a year - and might I add, Senator Rockefeller, that it is the action of a partisan buffoon to call someone who has been tortured for half a decade for putting on America's uniform ignorant of the consequences of his actions. Believe me, vile men with clubs made sure that McCain knew - and while I don't expect better from your chosen candidate, Senator (he's obviously made his choice), I did expect better from you.
CAMPAIGN SPOT: That you don't drop a missile? That laser-guided bombs weren't deployed until after McCain was a POW? That he was shot down at 4,500 feet, a lower altitude because they wanted to minimize collateral damage? … That McCain certainly got to see "what happened on the ground" as a POW? That Senator McCain gets impression of how things are on the ground in Iraq from his son? That a guy in a party who spent the past five years beating the drum on "chickenhawks" ought not send a guy who spent Vietnam in the Peace Corps to contend that fighter pilots don't "care about the lives of people."
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